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  • Having a child can be a wonderful experience. But it's a decision that both parties should agree upon before it happens. It's a lifelong commitment and can be a lot of work. It means many sleepless nights, less free time another mouth to feed, body to clothe, person to shelter and less disposable income. But being a parent is probably the most rewarding job there is.


    You and your significant other should have a conversation about pregnancy to discuss what happens if she does become pregnant. She may not want a child and if faced with an unplanned pregnancy she may decide to terminate it or give it up for adoption. Some activities such as smoking, drinking and using drugs can make it difficult for a man to get a woman pregnant and for a woman to get pregnant. Both parties should cease all such activities. Plus, once she is pregnant these activities are harmful to the baby so stopping now is advised. In addition, nutrition and vitamins are an important part of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. Folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects and should be taken before and during pregnancy. Caffeine can make it hard to get pregnant. It can also cause stillbirths. Therefore it should be avoided or at least cut back on while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is of benefit for those trying to conceive. Blueberries, red peppers and kale are good sources of nutrients.


    Having intercourse during the 48 hours before and 24 hours after a woman ovulates provides the best chance of pregnancy. Ovulation typically occurs 14 days after she begins menstruating. Since a woman's cycle may fluctuate from month to month, this is not always an exact science. However, there are products on the market that can help detect when a women is ovulating.


    If you have tried for at least one year and your significant other is not pregnant, you may be infertile. This doesn't mean that you can't get her pregnant but it does mean that some alternatives may be necessary. You should consult a doctor to have tests done. This will help determine what is causing the inability to get pregnant. In some cases, the doctor might prescribe medication to one or both parties to help boost the fertility. Once on medication, you will be more closely supervised by a doctor and your attempts to get pregnant will be much more structured. If you aren't able to get pregnant on oral medication, your doctor may suggest injectable medication and/or intrauterine insemination to assist in the process.


    Baby Center: Getting Pregnant:

    Fertility diet: The nutrients you need to conceive

    Baby Hopes: Tips on Getting Pregnant:

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