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  • Well it depends how long you have been dating him. From personal experiance, I had my first real gf when I was 16 and she was 15. I think our first kiss was 2 months into our relationship which went along with 2nd base the same night... (after my junior prom lol) It was about 8 months into it that 3rd base came along and 11 months until we actually did it... but that was the first time for both of us... However, I did date a virgin when I was 20 (she was 17) and we didn't go all the way for 8 months... I didn't want to pressure her... Hope that helps...
  • as a general rule, if you feel uncomfortable about doing something ... don't. if you are unsure about doing something ... don't. if you are doing it for anyone except yourself ... don't. i didn't have sex until i was married at 22 and it didn't kill me. i like that my husband is the only man i've ever had sex with. i know that's not for everyone but i think that the longer you can put it off the better. there are so many emotional, mental and physical ties that come with sex and sexual activity that i think if its not with someone who is worth all of that to you, its not worth it.
  • It just depends on how comfortable you are with him. If you don't like where its going, tell him. If he really cares about you he will listen to what you have to say. I have only been dating my current guy a month and we already made it. But thats because we got so close so fast. Its like I've known him for years not just shortly -which is true i met him loooong ago but he moved- as long as you're comfortable you can move at whatever pace you want.

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