• No way. Drink either.
  • No way. Drink either.
  • Oh, sure...let me just stand here and 'supervise' that smoke damaging your lungs and slowly killing you. Nicotine isn't all THAT bad...nope, don't think so..
  • Absolutely not. Why would I allow my child to take up a potentially deadly habit just because they were doing it in front of me? Is supervising it going to make the smoke NOT damage their lungs? Is it suddenly going to become LESS dangerous, less disgusting, simply because I'm standing there? I don't think so.
  • This isn't as bad an idea as you might initially think. When I was about 5 years old, I was out in the yard playing while my mother was doing some gardening. She was a smoker at the time and was smoking a cigarette while doing her gardening. I asked my Mom if I could try it...and she LET me! It HURT so bad and I got so SICK that I *NEVER* wanted to smoke a cigarette again for the rest of my life. Peer pressure be darned!
  • No I certainly would not,
  • I have mixed feelings about it. I feel like if it's foribdden they will probably want to do it more. I know I did. I wouldn't allow them per se, but I would educate them and let them know what happens to people when they smoke. I will thell them about how their great grandmother died of lung cancer, even though she hadn't smoked for over 40 years. I would probably let/make them try it once to show them what it feels like and how sick it can make you. I smoked so I can't really point fingers, only show them the mistakes I made so they might do something better.
  • My son 15 admitted to trying a cigar at a friends house. I told him not to ever break that trust with me again and took him outside for a cigar with me ( I smoked the good one, he smoked the cheap one ). He turned green and was up all night. I let him know that when he was ready for a beer, we would do the same. I trust him now.
  • No I would not.
  • No. I did with my parents, but I think my parents were so messed up going through their divorce that they didn't know what they were doing. They both smoked.
  • No. By allowing it in your presence you are condoning the behavior. If you condone the behavior why are you telling them not to smoke any other time? Letting them smoke with you supervising is like putting training wheels on a bike, just making it easier for them to go on and do it on their own outside the home. So now instead of just smoking outside the home, or just inside the home, they smoke both ways and are hooked. The same with drinking. My brother is 19, and has had an alcohol problem for the last few years, and I blame my dad for letting him drink at home... then he started drinking with his friends, now he drinks at home and with his friends. Great job Dad... good thing you were there to supervise him...
  • not with smoking no
  • No. I'm a nurse and have seen too many people die with emphysema. Nothing worse than seeing someone struggle to breathe.
  • NO never, i dont have kids my self but find smoking a disgusting dirty smelly habit, it the parents want toi smoke then dont push the kids into it.
  • Absolutely not... I'd never even have them in or around my house if I could at all help it (I don't smoke, so I don't own any cigarettes, etc). Why the hell would anyone do something to a child that could easily result in a serious addiction and a ruined body, possibly even death? : / If they want to do it once they're adults, that's their right... But before then it's illegal for a VERY good reason.
  • Smoke what? Cigarettes? No... I don't want them to smoke cigarettes... But weed I will let them try when they are 16. Everyone should try it in private with a trusted person so that they know how to handle it in public peer pressure situations. That's what my older cousin did for me..
  • No, neither my wife or I have ever smoked, so it would never occur at home. One of my children started smoking in college and hid it from us. He and his older brother developed drinking problems but both are better now. They seem to go hand in hand. Nice that bars can't have smoking now in many places.
  • I wouldnt let them smoke at an older age.
  • No. In fact I plan to totally discourage smoking completly.
  • Noo i would not.
  • Too easy... NO.
  • No. Cigarettes are toxic, no appreciable benefits to offer.
  • Yes. The kid is going to do it behind my back if I don't allow him to do it in front of me. That way I would also have control how much he smokes. I would definetly encourage him to quit, and I would do my best and try everything I can. This stuff needs cooperation and understanding, not punishments and forbidding...
  • no, wouldn't allow he/she to play russian roulette either.
  • The most important word is 'underage'. If it is illegal to smoke underage, the supervisor would be an "accomplice in the crime" by answering 'yes'. 'Informed choice of an adult' or, 'legal age' smoker and 'supervised experimentation are not relevant at a younger age.
  • After giving up a year ago after smoking twenty years I would try anything to make sure one cigarette never touched their lips in their lifetime. I didn't realise how bad I was until I'd done a year off them.
  • no... before they are 18?.. that is just bad parenting.
  • Would I allow my child to smoke while he is under my care? Hell no!! I smoke and I would never enable my son with such a filthy, unheathly habit.
  • Of course not!
  • I would talk to my kids to make sure they are fully informed. They will make whatever choice they truly want, no matter what I say or do, so at least be informed about it. So YES! If my child was smoking tobacco, marijuana, or crack cocaine, I would certainly make sure my home is the best place for them to do that. I hope I could be with them as they smoke. When they need help the most, then I would be there. My neighbors child died in an alleyway across town because a dingy alley was more respectful, communicative and trustworthy than his own parents. If my child wants to destroy their lungs, heart or brain, I want to be there to see it, to be with them, and to figure out why! Isolation is far more deadly than smoking.
  • Neither my husband nor I smoke. If I found either of my children smoking I would make them finish the pack they had on them immediately. If they only had a couple cigarettes left I would make them buy a new pack and make them smoke that. They would never smoke another cigarette again for the rest of their lives.
  • Nope...first of all, I wouldn't be supervising because I hate cigarette smoke. :) But then again, if I did, it would turn them away from smoking for the rest of their lives!
  • if my daughter wanted to smoke pot, I would rather know about it, and have it be at my house. Hopefully, the issue will never come up, but I'd much rather have her doing it in a safe place, than at some party where the cops might show up. Also, personally, I'd rather her get it through -me- (not that I smoke pot, don't think that) because her father and I know more about it that she could... I just don't want her to get something laced. and for cigarettes... well, I hope she never tries them, but I can't tell her "no" with a butt in my hand.
  • Hell No!!! Thats is a nasting habbit to have.
  • Let's just say that smoking doesn't kill you, it doesn't smell bad, it doesn't put you in worse shape, it doesn't have all kinds of added chemicals, it doesn't make you addicted, it doesn't turn your fingers and teeth yellow and it doesn't turn your lungs to tar. Then yes, I would let my kid smoke.
  • no and if he asks why, id tell him hey i lost Uncle Ralph to smoking i dont want to loose you too.
  • Absolutely not, this would earn him a stay in a closet with a fat cigar, this will cure his desire for a cigarette.
  • No way. I will condone no reckless, irresponsible or illegal behavior. I have already planted the seeds for healthy living in him through health diet and routine exercise/getting off your duff living. Hopefully, if he does slip, he will come back to that. He can sneak around like everyone else. If I can't stop him, I will surely make it inconvenient...
  • No, what does supervising have to do with anything? It is a terrible habit to pick up. I actually wish I could get my 22 year old to stop. Okay troll and the reason for you downrate is.......??
  • HELL NO drinking is one thing but smoking is another....y would u allow ur child to have the chance to get addicted to something that could end up killing u or affecting u in a major way
  • No. Watching my child kill him/herself? I'd have to be crazy.
  • as a young smoker it is far better that my parents know. They do approve.....kind of, allow and give me permission BUT this is something I would do with or without their knowledge permission. And I do not want to hide it from them. And I am not a 'bad' person. this is just the truth. Smoking for me is relaxing and enjoyable.
  • NEVER! Starting smoking is the worst thing I've ever done in my life and I've done some pretty bad things! It's one of the worst addictions you can have, why would you supervise helping your child become addicted to something that could kill them?
  • Only if it was from a crack pipe. I dont approve of cigarettes
  • Only if he or she were tasting a cigar.
  • Absolutely not. I am the most fun, lienient young minded understanding parent in the world... But I also understand that I am supposed to be the smart one between us. Allowing your kids to begin the process of killing themselves slowly... How is that good parenting in any sense of the word? My kids are told..."I smoke, I have trouble quitting, it may kill me and I do it anyway, it is that addictive, satisfy your curiosity here, through my bad example and be smarter than I was and never start!" I don't believe they ever will.
  • DUDE, supervising them doesn't make it any safer!
  • Absolutely not.

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