• Cleaning a ceramic tile floor is much like cleaning any other hard floor. However, ceramic tile is held together by grout, and grout stains easily. But you don't have to live with a dirty floor or ugly, stained grout.


    The World Floor Covering Association recommends sweeping your ceramic floor, especially those with texture, to loosen and remove large particles and most dirt.


    Most dirty ceramic tile floors will clean up well with a damp mop and a mild cleaning solution.

    Oxygen Bleach

    For stubborn grout stains, use oxygen bleach. According to, apply a solution made by stirring together oxygen bleach and warm water (follow the bleach manufacturer's instructions) and let it soak into the grout for a half-hour to an hour. Leave a standing layer on the grout. Scrub, mop and rinse.

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    For a cheap solution to moldy grout, try hydrogen peroxide. According to, pour ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle with 1 cup of water. Spray the solution on the grout to clean already dirty grout or as a preventive measure.


    As a last resort for particularly nasty grout stains, consider phosphoric or muriatic acid. According to, purchase either acid at your local hardware store, and follow the manufacturer's directions and cautions to the letter. Acids can cause serious injury.


    World Floor Covering Assocation: Ceramic/Porcelain Care How to Clean Grout Muriatic Acid and Cleaning Masonry Surfaces

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