To meet chicks....;-D...
have you seen the girls in college?
SOme people make a career out of attending college. I stalls having to face the "real world!"
Slow learner
It's because he gets bored. It's also because you can never learn everything and it's interesting to build up your knowledge. It's fun too. Oh, and it helps maintain their cover of being humans if they are seen to go to school/college. +2
If I lived forever I'd know where i'd be for the first part of my life..
To live where the food is. :)
slow learner ^^
For some, learning is a life-long process. Basically, if you stop learning, you stop growing as an individual. Maybe he just hasn't "found himself" or "know what he wants to do for the rest of his (LONG) life". Besides, 17-25-something girls are there! And many of them look damn good in bikinis! ;-)
As a cover methink the answer would be.
No matter how old you get, guys are always attracted to the younger girls!
3 reasons mostly: 1. vampires can't look in mirrors to fix their hair so some hang out at highschools and colleges so teenyboppers can style their hair for them (and gel isn't allowed in the vampire hideout) 2. Glittery gelled vampires aren't allowed in the badass vampire hideouts (see answer #1) and baddass vampires dont hang out at colleges because they'd go on a frenzy and eat everyone 3. Just because you're a vampire it doesn't make you necessarily smart. They don't have schools for vampires...even vampires have to learn to read and write I suppose...dumb glittery gelled vampires probably need at least 100 years of school to learn to read and write.
People's values change as they get older. While a child will fantasize about blowing up the school, an older man may go back to school simply to learn new things. That, and having lived a century being awake 24/7 with eternal youth, I imagine you start to run out of things to do.
Coz Robert Pattinson in Gorgeous.. :D
I think the real question is, why it took him so long to make it to college in the first place. Also, how did he manage to go 108 years without ever getting laid?
i had the same thought when I watched that movie. Don't you think he would get annoyed with all the teenage drama? I know I would, and I'm only 25.
The same reason most college boys meet co-eds.
edward never went to college.
Not necessarily a student... possibly an exhibit in the schools archeology department.
Ha! That's only 23 in "people years".
Open enrollment school plus Obama education tax credits and generous college loans means no money out of pocket.
Edward was actually still in high school.=)
He went to public school.
You can't learn everything on the streets!
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