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  • There is no magical switch we can flip to have you stop being jealous. It's common for kids to have these feelings and you'll just need to learn how nonconstructive they are. If you like him, tell him that and see where it goes from there.
  • Heyy.. i know the feeling tbh :) until a few months ago i was in pretty much the same position.. firstly, are you and this guy actually friends? do you think you have a chance at a relationship?.. because if you are just someone he knows but doesnt ever talk to or anything, then you need to let it go. if you think you have a chance at a relationship then just talk to him.. keep talking to him.. hang out with him.. make him relaise that your better than this other girl.. and talk to him.. its what i did and it worked out fantastically for me.. i just told him i loved him.. it took a few months to work out.. but, now we're together and happy :) my advice is just talk to this guy.. if you cant talk to him, then its not worth wasting your time on a guy you cant talk to.. theres no way to controll jelousy.. you just need to know how to deal with it.. xx

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