• Dear brother you can find out this real theory from Holy Quran Which explain every thing clearly. thanks
  • Sorry I can't really help with your question but, to introduce a little lightheartedness, I once heard someone summarize the Big Bang Theory as "God said it and BANG - it happened."
  • "The Big Bang is the belief that the universe began by growing out from a very small, dense, and hot place about 13.7 billion years ago. As a whole, everything is now flying away from everything else with no center. All space, time, and matter was created as the universe got bigger. Cosmology is the name given to how the universe began and how it has developed. Scientists that study cosmology agree the Big Bang theory matches what they have seen so far. The theory is called the "Big Bang" because Fred Hoyle wanted to make fun of the theory. He did not believe it. Scientists who did believe it thought the name was funny and used it anyway. Since then, Fred Hoyle's reasons for not liking the theory have been shown to be wrong. Scientists base the Big Bang theory on many different observations. The most important is the redshift of very far away galaxies. Redshift is when the light from an object moving away from the earth looks like it has lost energy. Objects moving towards the earth look like their light has gained energy. This is because of the Doppler effect. The more redshift there is, the faster the object is moving. When we see the redshift we can see how fast the object is moving. Since everything is moving away from everything else at a carefully measured rate, scientists calculate that everything was in the same place 13.7 billion years ago. Because most things become colder when they become bigger, the universe must have been very hot when it started. Other observations that support the Big Bang theory are the amounts of chemical elements in the universe. Amounts of hydrogen, helium, and lithium seem to agree with the theory of the Big Bang. Scientists also have found "cosmic microwave background radiation". This radiation is radio waves that are everywhere in the universe. It is now very weak and cold, but a long time ago it was very strong and very hot. But, it is not now. The Big Bang might also have been the beginning of time too. If the Big Bang was the beginning of time itself then there was no universe before the Big Bang. Other ideas that also have a Big Bang do not have a beginning of time at 13.7 billion years ago. Instead, these theories say that the beginning of the universe as we currently know it began at that time. Before then the universe may have been very different." Source and further information: Further information:

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