• It was cold ~ much colder than last winter, but NOT quite cold enough for snow in Auckland. Had 5 frosts in 7 days tho. We usually get maybe one per winter. It's Spring now ~ thankfully! ... A wet one so far (rolling thunder this very morning)
  • It'll be a basic Southern California winter. Deciduous trees will drop their leaves; evergreens will drop some and make new ones at the same time. Some rain in November and/or January - we hope, anyway. Daily high temp of maybe 60-65 degrees. A hard freeze is unlikely, although a couple of winters ago we had one that killed some tender plants - a young hibiscus and a couple of jade plants. From December to March the camellias will bloom. There'll be paperwhites. Roses bloom till November but we have to prune them back or the next year's bloom won't be as good and the plants won't be healthy. Winter is nice here.
  • Winters are nice here compared to other places but I cant handle the cold. The days are warm but when the sun sets it gets really cold. We get 2 to 3 light snow falls usually around Feb. to April. Beautiful sight to see and always exciting. But the cold hurts me...Could be worse though.

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