• I guess you talk about the following riddle: Four men are walking in a forest. They come to a path. They must all get to the other side, but only two (two maximum) can travel at the same time (so no dragging anyone or anything). It is night, so they require a flashlight but there is only one flashlight. The four men are of differing physical strength, one man can walk the distance in 1 minute, the second in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes and the fourth man in 10 minutes. How do the men all get across in 17 minutes. The key to do this is to get your fast guys over first, so that one of them can come back with the flashlight after your slow people cross. 2 and 1 cross the path (2 minutes) 1 comes back. (3 minutes) 10 and 5 cross the path. (13 minutes) 2 comes back (15 minutes) 1 and 2 cross the path (total of 17 minutes)

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