• old earth theory, it seems more plausible to me. we have carbon dating, it may have a 3% error but its not enough to prove young eath theory.
  • I believe either is possible. I believe that God, the Lord Jesus Christ, created all things (Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-14) However, here's some information from a good scientific book that supports Young-Creationism: "The earth's magnetic field has been decaying so fast that it couldn't be more than about 10,000 years old. Rapid reversals during the flood year and flunctuations shortly after just caused the field energy to drop even faster." From "Refuting Evolution" By Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D Pg.113. However, there is much more scientific evidence than this. It is also a matter of faith, however. Of course, there is also evidence of an old earth as well. The days in Genesis could be God's days (which could be a thousand years each or more than that) Either way, my faith is in the Word of God and in God's only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether Young-Earth or Old-Earth, God is still the Creator and the Bible is still His inerrant Word. When it comes to that the earth's age doesn't really matter a lot I guess. My Pastor once told me "choose your battles". I hope that this is helpful. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • definitely old earth. the young earthers use mostly junk science or poor understanding of science and have been refuted time and again but refuse to admit it.
  • Young earth 'theory' doesn't deserve the term 'theroy', it's so laughably wrong. The age of the earth has been proved to be around 5 billion years.
  • There is way too much evidence of the "old Earth" theory for any rational person to believe otherwise.
  • I believe the earth has been pretty accurately measured as being 4.5 billion years old. Now the universe is some 14 billion years old - so it could be argued the earth is quite young in comparison... ;-)

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