• Because Clam Chowder, that infamous Chinese gangster, doesn't like to be bitten and would have sought a fatal reprisal. LOL!
  • My guess is that it had nothing to do with the clam chowder.
  • Because the Clams were cold and chewy perhaps,that must be a reason for commiting Suicide!
  • His wife just left him and she was always a little shelfish. The thought of cannibalism was eating him alive.
  • The answer, with a slight change of menu: ~10. The man was in a ship that was wrecked on a desert island. When there was no food left, another passenger brought what he said was abalone but was really part of the man's wife (who had died in the wreck). The man suspects something fishy, so when they finally return to civilization, he orders abalone, realizes that what he ate before was his wife, and kills himself. Spoiler alert:
  • Are you going to post the answer?
  • He was depressed and suicidal, but had always wanted to try clam chowder before he died. So he went out to a restaurant and ordered some, but after just a sample realized that he didn't like the taste and stopped. Then he went home and continued with his plan.
  • He took one bite and left because he didn't like the clam chowder and he killed himself because he is suidical.

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