• The eerie power of drawing people named Chainsaw to me.
  • My kids think I do. They can't figure out how I know when they are up to something.
  • yessssss. i can see, THE FUTURE. i just cant controll it yes im weird.
  • deja vu occasionally.
  • Nope, not eerie. Just can't seem to explain why I have them :) +5
  • Well I know when somethngs wrong with people just by looking at them, doesnt matter how well I know them either. Usually I can kinda guess whats going on to. Not really a power, but girls love it! :)
  • I've got a certain "Spider sense" when I'm being stalked. And those rare days when my allergies don't flare, I can smell very very well. Usually to the point that I can tell that woman is about to mensturate. Surprises the shit out of my wife.
  • Sometimes when I'm playing poker and I get really deep inside someone's head. Other times when I'm writing and I go into a zone. EErie PoWAZ or however you say it.
  • No, I have a list of powers/abilities based on information processing and body control. Nothing eerie about any of them.
  • Some might describe my powers that way, other's might just say I'm strange.
  • I can control my own dreams while sleeping. +5
  • Its not a power. But I am very great at reading people. I can just walk into a room size a person up and down and tell you somethings about them without actually talking to them. Like once my mom was Director of Nursing, they were having a facility party. I had never met any of her supervisors. I saw this one guy and watched him. I told her that he is defiantly abusive and cheats on his wife, but he has a very good front so people don't expect things like that about him. What do you know..ha ha..a few days later the police arrested him for beating his wife. True story
  • Yes. I can turn wine into water or make a lame man blind.
  • yes many but i keep quite about them.
  • No I don't. But I think they sell them in Erie, PA
  • Yes! I can take two chicken's eggs and after ten minutes or so turn them into a delicious breakfast! - "Topic of the Day"? = Pretty cool, Sym! - ;-)
  • I'm very clairavoiant (even though I'm pretty sure I spellt that wrong), meaning I can take information from things about the future or predict the future. I am yet to be proven wrong.
  • I wouldn't exactly call it "eerie," but I am an empath and can actually feel other people's emotions, including pain. Sometimes that's not so good, as in combat. : (
  • I have ninja-level night vision.
  • so i have been told. +5
  • no but my sister does. stop lights always turn green for her, when she wants a white christmas, bamf, snow, if it's raining and she's going out, it stops raining till she gets where she's going. she's like storm and that "Lucky" duck on ducktales all rolled into one. don't even get me started on how money just finds it's way into her hands (lost on the street, prises, scholarships, etc)one of her teachers even gave her a computer with monitor, mouse and keyboard
  • Yes I am told I do. I am too down to earth to let them loose apparently.:)
  • It's what I'm told.
  • I knew you were going to ask that.
  • I can cause text to appear on computer monitors just by touching a few buttons. OK, it's not really all that eerie. . But depending on the words it could at least still be creepy, right?
  • Yes I have a way of making donuts disapear!
  • Yes, the Universe bends itself in knots around me to make sure that Opus' Law is not violated...;-D... . . .
  • I have bad dreams about snakes. I love snakes. I get pains in my body and chills about things that are going to happen. eventually 95% of them do.
  • No, no powers at all.
  • No, I am mundane.
  • I'm not really sure.
  • I have the ability to clear a room after eating asian food and/or eggs. ;)
  • i am starting to think so.. after everything that has happened
  • Oh yeah, :-) I have strange ways of getting rid of any evidence. :-D
  • powers ? more like ability , eerie ? to some i guess , but not to this witch.
  • I know when the phone is going ring way more often than I would like. So often I will think it is going to ring and pick up the cordless and then it rings.
  • Nope, no eerie powers here.
  • Street lights tend to go out around me far too often to be a mere coincidence.
  • No I swear I don't, I have witnessesss..
  • no i have nosy powers
  • I have 2 different capables that Even a crazy person will think I loose but I ain't
  • yes I do believe it or not, mine began 20 years ago When it first started I thought I was going crazy. You see I have the ability to Hear what is going to happen to me or my family members when it first began I was too afraid to accept I had developed an unusual ability. In time I began to realize God unleash this force within me to protect me in troubled times.I really didn't take this ultra sense seriously until one night when I was helping my daughter deliver newspapers a man stepped out from around a home we had just delivered to with a hand gun. He demanded that we step in the alley behind the home. The only thing that saved us was a car that turned the corner and flashed its headlights on him it frightened him and he ran off.The days before this incident I keep receiving a message about a dangerous situation that was coming while delivering by a long dark house. [By the way when the messages come it's like unseen person standing next to me and talking I never received a message like that before because we never had trouble during paper delivery. after that night I paid attention! Do you know what my unseen friend told about the man being scared away by the car? GOD SENT THE SHINING ORBS, MEANING THE CARS HEADLIGHTS WAS OUR LIFESAVER NOW ISN'T THAT SOMETHING?
  • well i dont know if you would call this a power or not, i dont know what you would call it, if you would even call it anything. but sometimes, like right before something happens i can kind of sense it, like whats going to happen. like ill just this strange feeling about what i thinks gonna happen and BAM it'll happen. its not always very accurate though, sometimes exactly what i thought was gonna happen will happen and sometimes nothing at all will happen.
  • Nope, and nobody does. People with powers are only found in cartoons.
  • I do. but the shrinks say I am delusional. what do they know. I really do have super powers.
  • I can make people feel better by absorbing their pain and anxiety. I've been doing it my entire life and haven't known. It's all scientific based on a bunch of junk, and I'm depressed. Everyone always thinks that people who have cool powers are awesome, but they're not. I've started sucking out people's memories, on a low level, but is that right? So yeah, having people's feelings stuffed inside of me to help my friends is just a tad eerie
  • i can see dead people...eerie dead people.

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