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  • listen every girl wants to pleasure her man. Make her feel comfortable by seeing how she likes to be spanked Tell her spanking you will please you but in return you have to do something for her so just say after you spank me i'll do anything you want me to do to you. at least you'll get spanked by your wife. lol thats all I can say for now
  • Show her the DWC
  • I would sit her down, in a non-sexual situation, and explain to her how much being erotically spanked means to you. Be very specific about such things as: How hard she should spank, what implement she should use, and anything else she should know. Praise her after she gives you the spanking. Don't forget to make sure you, ask about and take care of, her erotic needs as well. Good luck! Have fun.
  • Have her ask my mom for advice?
  • I tried many ways to get my wife to spank me. I don't know if she ever told anyone but during an argument at her mothers house her mother said I needed a spanking.I thought it was a joke, my wife said she thought i would enjoy that. It never occurred to me that my mother in law would say such a thing. Believe me I do not have sexual thoughts about her. Any way she ordered me to follow her and what followed was one really embarrassing very very painful spanking. My wife was smiling when we returned and she said i remember that really hurts. She has been spanking me since. Most of the time I am happy

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