• only if they attack U.S or threaten them then it will end the war. otherwise the UN will step in and try to stop it.
  • I don't think so, enough of America saving the world. These are my dollars and I need them to stay home to help all of us here right now, and enough of other countries wars, they need to deal with their own crap and stop looking at us for every little thing
  • I don't think so also. I hardly can imagine that the US would get involved with one of the most powerful armies in the world.
  • Why not? America loves Wars, they will just wait until Ukraine and Russia have been exhausted and then come towards the end
  • Don't we always.
  • like we have not helped others before? but its more what country is WRONG .... but i think the world better start looking at China as the military POWER and force and i very much doubt they'd care....our POWER is even less forceful or helpful ,via Obama, and we are getting lower and lower.... but yes, and so would others not of cowardly and and self serving governments...
  • I don't think so. Afterall, you don't have any oil do you??
  • Hello cosack, It seems that Russia is oppposed to the Ukraine joining NATO; I am not sure at what stage the Ukraine/NATO alliance is today. That being said, If Russia, God forbid, should invade the Ukraine then all the rules of "right and wrong" are out the window. As to whether or not the States would help the Ukraine: Initially, through diplomacy, then direct aid (supplies and machines-of-war) to the Ukraine. If the Russians attacked the States, then kiss the world as we know it- goodbye.
  • i think they've got there hands full at the moment.
  • Which one of you is 'us' It really depends on who has the nukes.
  • Nope. Sorry
  • Not with the president we have now, but if you need someone to come give a speech blaming America for all of your problems and apologizing for American policies around the world, then Obama will be right over.

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