• more extreme. definitely
  • definitely more extreme. you know you're off the wall when your own party is telling you to shut it.
  • I think Rush Limbaugh is a "wind bag." In other words, he is "full of hot air." He is a very extreme conservative and so are a lot of his listeners. He likes to verbally attack liberal people and insult them. Then, when they verbally attack him in return, he says: "I am not a politician, I am just an entertainer." I do not disagree with everything he says. I do think that, for the most part, he has very little compassion for anyone who is worse off then himself. I might add that he said drug addicted people belong in jail until he got hooked on drugs himself. Then, it was a whole different story. In short: "Rush Limbaugh is a piece of work."
  • Sadly, he is expressing much of the ludicrous ideology that has come to reflect New Republicanism. Why else would he, along with Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney, be listed by Republicans as the leader of their party?
  • Sometimes neither. Unfortunately, even some republicans are begining to see Rush Limbaugh as a politician. The simple fact is Limbaugh is first and foremost an entertainer. He's nothing more than a right wing version of Bill Mahr, Bill Moyer or Michael Moore. Just another political commedian.
  • Reality check here...Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer....;-D... . . .
  • I think Rush Limbaugh is a total whack job. (And a "Big Fat Idiot," as Al Franken said in his book title.)
  • Rush Limbaugh has gone from extremely conservative to eerily off-balance. Some of the things he says now border on the paranoid and insane.
  • He's as dangerous as yellin fire in a crowded theater. A danger to society.
  • He's good for comic material because he is such a hypocritical, judgemental idiot.
  • His more extreme, although I think he does alot of it for entertainment value. No one likes to listen to a reasonable person, it's boring
  • He is an entertainer. A person so devoid of responsibility he will say anything it seems to garner controversy. He is laughing all the way to the bank too. By his own standards he should be in jail for the rest of his life. He is a druggie after all and you know what he said about druggies....haha He is also a bright and shinning example of what is wrong with the republican party. Here is a video link to him explaining how he manipulates listeners. The really sad thing is there are so many idiots who buy this guys crap.
  • a common sense mainstream conservative...not extreme, just knows his stands , morally and beck , oreilly, and many,many more...thank God....conserve and 'preserve'..def: tending to preserve established traditions and institutions and to resist or oppose any changes in these..."these" tending to be OUR FREEDOMS&RIGHTS and CONSTITUTION.... they don't need CHANGING ...need purging of corruption :)
  • He is extreme. Most Republicans don't hew to everything Americans assume to be the Republican 'platform'.
  • Main. I've met conservatives who felt Ronald Reagan was a liberal.
  • He's a dumbass that needs to STFU.
  • Good lord, NO to both. He's an ENTERTAINER. He chooses his positions based purely on entertainment value - that means whatever will get the biggest rise out of viewers. Anyone who confuses him for anything but an entertainer is sadly deluded.
  • Rush is actually mainstream these days , which says a lot about the Republican party. The man's an idiot with an overinflated sense of himself. Sadly, the party has become a party of extremes.
  • Look up extreme conservatism in the book that is, and you'll find his picture. he relishes in it; it's his goal in life to trod the farthest reaches of his chosen philosophy and be regarded as the one who dared to define the standard. I prefer a bit of moderation in all things myself.
  • I bet he cries about it all the way to the bank too. But you gotta' love it..just look, two full pages of publicity.
  • Rush Limbaugh is so far to the right, even the right think he's far out. The man follows the dictates of his own great leaders, Oral Roberts, and whomever. He's a crazy-assed liar who gets away with blowing hot air at any fool who can't think for himself. God is in his side, after all. When you steal thousands of oxycontin pills (illegally prescribed), and shout over the wires that drug addicts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, you have a perfect Bush constituent. Just lovely.
  • He's on the extreme end of conservativism. But he's closer to the center than Bill Maher, Al Franken, Michael Moore or Keith Olberman.
  • I would like to believe that Rush is an extremist, but seeing the rise of hypocrite family value politicians, idiotic tea baggers, uninformed "birthers" and "deathers". It's pretty clear that Rush is speaking on behalf of your typical Republican/Conservative...
  • Neither - he's a Dumb-Ass.
  • Rush is pure entertainment, end of story. Anyone that thinks this guy is a serious news source needs to have their head checked. Hes the radios answer to Jerry Springer. Hes there to get you riled up and you love it so you listen, or you hate it so you still listen. Meanwhile hes raking it in hand over fist. Once again the American public is proven to be lemmings in sheep's clothing. Change the channel and he will go away Media has everything to do with ratings DUH...
  • I consider myself to be more on the conservative side and Rush is just way out there. I mean WAY out the EXTREME.

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