• I don't really think they do make and specific cotton padding, when I got my first Zippo 3 or 4 years ago I immediately took all the cotton padding out and just stuff ripped apart cotton balls in there and it works perfectly, as for it being tight or loose, I choose to have it tight as it collects more fluid rather that seeping to the bottom, I could be wrong but that's how I maintain mine and I still have it and it still works perfectly.
  • As far as I know the pads do not wear out. My zippo (nearly 25 years old) has only had flints replaced and of course more fluid added and one wick replacement. The pad (wad) is the same one that came with it. for wick and flint As for repairs (which I believe a pad replacement is a repair) then follow this link: But you can contact them and ask about the pad.

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