• Are you saying that if someone goes into a fit of road rage, the other person actually did something to "deserve" it?
  • I enjoy messing with drivers who pass in the slow lane (they think they are being rebelious), by drifting in front of them (it's also a way to teach them a lesson as to why it is they aren't supposed to pass using the slow lane). This one guy, who was actually driving on the shoulder got pissed off at me, and proceeded to slam on his brakes once he got ahead of me. Of course, arrogant-immature drivers are incredibly predicable, so I saw his move coming, and was ready to brake and avoid rear-ending him. BTW if this guy actually was in an actual hurry or emergency, he wouldn't have bothered trying to get back at me by trying to cause an accident.
  • Several times. Had a few hand signal given by both sides. I pulled over, he kept going shouting and screaming flipping me off. I guess the speed limit was to slow for him in a two lane street.
  • My usual reaction is to smile and wave. The other person usually waves back but only uses one finger. All I did was blink my lights to ask them to move so that I could pass.
  • i thought road rage was basically unprovoked, over-reaction and therefore undeserved. at least that's how i've always viewed it
  • Yes. I drove the speed limit. I'm a silly b*tch.
  • Years ago when I was working undercover in law enforcement .. a guy began speeding up and getting in front of me and then braking ... as he'd pass me , he would give me the finger and yell .. So; I let him do this three times before I lit up my strobes on the dash ect and pulled him over . Being federal; I had to call local sheriff to come get this guy ... Needless to say; he was in SHOCK .. lost his license (3 years)and fined $2,500 Plus court cost for attempted assult on a federal officer (me) ... LOL.
  • If I understand the question correctly, When I was 25 I cut off a trucker late at night and he followed on my bumper real close for miles, I pulled onto an offramp and so did he, I parked in a public area next to a sherrifs car and he kept going back on to the interstate; careful who you offend on the open road, they might take it personal.

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