they are being racist
There's extremists and overreactors on all sides in politics. There are anti-Baracks who claim he's selling us to the Muslims, and there are pro-Baracks who think anyone who challenges him must be a bigoted liar. This is just the nature of politics: there's a "Bell curve" of reactivity for any given viewpoint. At the edges of the curve lurk the loonies.
Rather demonstrates the weakness of the other person's position if they have to degenerate to calling you 'racist' just because you disagree with them.
Some do not know the meaning of the words that spew from their own mouths. Those that do know but use words that do not apply (such as in your situation) use the word as a tool to try and push you into a bad light for your opinions. The reason is, some people do not like to think they are ever wrong or standing for the wrong reason. They are not there to debate they are there as in the king of the mountain aspect. If they are standing alone they feel they have won.
I guess it depends on what color you are.
Sounds like they are idiots and that's all they've got.
Because they are self-righteous pratts who have nothing else going for them.
Because people are insecure. People aren't even looking at politics, they are looking at the fact that Obama is a 'black' president.
There are ignorant liberals just the same as there are ignorant conservatives. Don't mind them.
You're debating with the wrong people.
I'm sure if that happens it's rare because I haven't yet seen anything like that on here.
Its a shame that people only see a person and not the party they actually represent. In Engand when Margret Thatcher came to power she generated a huge buzz like Obama, she didn't change anything, but has made it harder for British people to put their trust in a female leader. Whoops now like you I will be called a sexist!!
Because some few folks learned the notion that the only way to win an argument is by using the race card. Similar to the way some other few folks end a debate by insisting that one simply hates Bu$h.
That's pretty immature.
I think its an indication of a few things. First that the person calling you a racist has run out of ideas and is trying to tarnish you with the evil brush. This is an attempt to make your view points seem illogical. Second that people often encounter others who don't know much information or understand politics, but still have prejudices. This isn't exclusive to racists, many republicans hold prejudice with little reason or understanding of subjects at hand. I think supporting Obama became part of popular culture and that in turn has its own impacts on opinions and people tend to demonise the different view points.
Because the people who call you racist are more concerned with colour and race than with policies - hmm.. I guess their preoccupation with race and colour makes them the racists! If they see his colour before his policies, if they see his race before they see his actions, then they do not see the man.
I've never seen you state a disagreement with Obama at AB, much less say anything racist. Perhaps the coffee that's served at some fast food places has that effect on some people. ;)
Because playing the race-card is just so much easier than sensibly debating or defending weak and impotent policies. It always amazes me when blatant racism is perfectly acceptable and ignored from ONE side of the fence while objections that aren't even race related get spun into being called racist so easily and acceptably.
cause people suck sometimes, ignore dumb outrageous things people say!
Well, now, did ya know that those of us who oppose Obama and his views are not only racist but we're also extremist? Hows that make you feel? (I'm on your side here Jimmy)
Because Barak Obama is the the liberals, what George W. Bush was to the conservatives. He's got a cult. I know, it's creepy.
I would suggest that demonstrates a lack of political awareness (best phrase I could think of to mark what I mean) amongst the people who would call you racist. I would think somebody capable of debating politics would be able to accept and discuss your view without assuming the only possible reason for a person disliking him would be the colour of his skin. That - or they follow and 'worship' him blindly, following the hype, and have no real understanding of politics?
Probably because one side can't make a reasonable argument for or aganst an issue. It happens here all the time. The discussion deteriorates into a personal attack then the other side retaliates and then the focus is gone. The most common attack is the one on spelling and grammar.
If you was disrespectful in your comments, then I can see why. If you weren’t disrespectful. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, because the person who called you a racist is probably a racist.
Theres a african guy at my school who displays these types of reactions. He thinks its funny when someone says something in conversation to react by saying 'its cause im black isnt, you racist'. You cant have a conversation with him without him refferring to his ethnicity. We have nothing against race but this guy is really starting to annoy people by calling people racists. Its almost as if he thinks he is superior to others because he is African. Were all equal. I get where your're coming from.
I disagree with him and they call me a racist and I have been married to a black man for almost 26 years and he does not think I am a racist and he agrees with me about obama. What do they call him as he is black? I do not like obama for the things he does, he could be totally white and I still would not like him.
It has to do with emotions. To some people, Obama is like a drug, releasing them from their terrible perception of reality. "He will save us!" "He's the messiah!" When you take this away from them, or cry out in dissent, the people will fight tooth and nail to keep their "drug."
my gf is black and she calls me a racist. his views are messed up i think. he is pro abortion, pro gun control, pro illegal immagretion (or atleast not against it). the fact that hes black is just a way for everybody agianst him to watch what they say. i love the fact theres a brother in office to piss off the racist and hyprocrits. his skin is the only thing that got him into office. him being black is the reason why you never hear of his mistakes in the pass or even today on the news. they want to "protect" the history that is being made...
my gf is black and she calls me a racist cause i disagree with his views. his views are messed up pro abortion pro illegal immagration pro gun control. of course now that hes black thats everybodys excuse of why you disagree with him. im glad theres a brother in office to piss off all these white racist and hyprocrites. but im also pissed about all his views.
Relax, you are not alone ... when I disagree with Obama my question is downgrated... which means I am probably called a racist by someone too. You are exactly right - disagreement with Obama doesn't in any way mean you are a racist. It's just the easiest way for Obama-lovers to label you.
Jimmy, you're correct. I haven't agreed with hardly anything President Obama has done so far and have actually cringed at some of the things that he has done but that doesn't mean that I dislike the man, or dislike the color of his skin or the size of shoe he wears. This country is in dire straits and I honestly don't think that Mr Obama will be able to fix it unless he, Congress, Senate, and the American people can work together. Obama is trying to take control of the entire situation and that will not work.
People are just stupid that's why. People want every one to agree with one point of view and that can't happen. So people like to put people down or make an accuse for the reason you don't like someone or their views. In this case you don't agree with Obama's views, so people will call you a racist as a escape goat, because their afraid that they will be "losing" somehow. It's weird.
people thinks that because he is black you shouldnt think differently from him.
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