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  • None of these work. Some people naturally metabolize drugs faster than others. Those who "use" occasionally can also metabolize drugs faster than those who are chronic users. The only "flush" that seems to have some merit is repeated IV saline solution flushes. Everything else is wishful thinking -- either provided by someone who wants to sell you something or who had something that "worked" for them. The people who pass drug tests after any of these "flushes" would have passed anyway.
  • I wouldn't bet on it. Sure, if you just took a bong hit or one puff of a joint you could conceivably be clean in 3-5 days. But if you smoked any more than a miniscule amount, you're looking at 15-30 days to be clean. Of course alot also is dependent on your age, weight, length of use, and overall physical condition. But for the most part, I don't see fasting as a fool proof means. And when you're fasting you are basically shedding water weight. Combine that with drinking copious amounts of water and you're back to square one. Like you's in the actual fat cells and those puppies don't give it up so easily.
  • Try smoking as much as you possibly can before the test. Try to convience them that their testing methods are incorrect because the reading are so high.
  • The drink OMNI will cleanse you for SURE... it cost $30 at a Apple City Herb. Drink it and then 2 glasses of water or more and go "potty" as often as you have to.. You system will be clean for 7 hours! :)
  • there are so many variables on this one (how potent your weed was, how fast/slow ur metabolism is, your diet i.e. cheeses greasy foods to slow the rate at which the cannabinoids leave your metabolites into the urine stream,) many lab tests go by traces of drugs not just a positive or negative result. that is why labtesting is preferred for probation, military, truck-drivers, and government jobs because they can trace back further than the little 10 dollar dipstick tests at c.v.s. If you can find a botanica you should try looking for "palo azul" which can not only clean your piss if it's dirty but flush out your kidneys as well. they are wood chips you boil out into a gallon of water it turns blue and is known as "kidney wood" drink the gallon(s) at room temp. 3-4 hours before your test and even if you were really dirty you'll pass with flying colors and its not pomegranite or containing roots and vitamins that will come up as a masking agent. i have personally tried cert-o which is jello mix i put it into gatorade and it just coats your stomach and makes you pee water, niacin which is a vitamin that makes u red and sweat, AZO standard pills to promote healthy urinary tract, the stupid b-clean drink from the headshop and/or GNC or nutrition f/x, and all had failed for me (keep in mind ive blown medical sensimilla heavily every day since i was 13 i.e. vaporizing eating and smoking it and wuz on sophisticated testing) out of all those the palo azul was the only one that worked for me (as well as 6-7 friends who would be willing to testify) i stayed clean about a week (just to be safe) excercised for the first 3 days out of the seven because you dont want to excercise within the last 72-100 hours (the final 3-4 days before your deadline) of testing because the cannabinoids will release from your metabolites and fat cells into your urine. the remaining 72-100 hours (three to four days) drink a gallon of palo azul everyday, and on the day of your deadline drink it as i said 3-4 hours before reporting (sounds hectic but well worth it) feel free to drink water if u can stomach that on top of it urinate frequently when peeing piss the first couple seconds into the urinal squeeze off to halt the pee then piss into the cup midstream to fill to desired line (as this will be the cleanest) and pee the rest into the urinal i have not only passed dipstick tests but lab testing that looks for traces of it in urine. also boil the wood chips about 30 minutes with each gallon then sift out the chips and chug at room temp (makes it easier to chug faster) you will be rewarded for your success. you can obtain these wood chips at a botanica or sometimes at a meat market but basically anywhere that sells religous candles, inscense, and statues look it up online to obtain some if you can't find any on the street usually a small bag (enough for half a gallon) is roughly 2 dollars so if you buy 8 small bags that equals enough to boil 4 gallons which will probably run you about 16 bucks God bless and good luck - info - pass it on (preferably to the left LOL...)

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