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  • I've had a similar situation and I'd just like to say, be honest to yourself. Do some soul searching. AND DONT LEAVE THE GUYS OUT OF YOUR DECISSION!
  • Sounds like you have answered your own question. Your ex loves you, you love him and you have lost interest in your fiance. Looks oike you had better get back with your ex.
  • Tell the truth and get out of the relationship. It is only fair for the both of you because you have lost interest and obviously don't love him. You must do what makes you happy at all costs and unfortunately, this is at the cost of someone who loves you. Good luck
  • I seriously doubt anything we could tell you here would help much with the mess you are in now. It also sounds like you have issues around fidelity and are also confused in several ways. And you probably have the men in your life angry and/or confused as well. I don't think much we can tell you is going to solve what sound like long standing issues for you. Considering the control issues also, I would suggest getting some in person help with this. It could escalate into something violent with one of the men and you or the men against each other. It's not the kind of situation I think can be solved by asking someone online in my experience. Good luck.
  • If you didnt want to hurt your fiance then why did you cheat on him? What I think you should do is just try an talk to your fiance about the problems your having and make a decision based on "both" of you.
  • If you are still in love with somebody else there is only one answer >Get out of this relationship. You are hurting your fiance more by cheating on him physically and emotionally than a clean break would hurt him Face up to it and end your engagement
  • I see it happen everyday- the relationship with your fiance is nothing more than a rebound & you moved quickly after being out of another relationship thinking this was the answer to your problems but, now you have other problems & unfortunate for your fiance that he found himself in the middle of all this. You were definitely not over your ex when you hooked up with him & I don't know what caused the breakup to begin with but, whether you end up back with him or not you need to be honest with your fiance & end the relationship so he can move on & find someone who is deserving of his love. Regardless, though you need to make sure that whatever caused your ex & you to end the relationship is not still in the way because it will never work out for you in the end if the problem still exists & then you will be left with two losses. You need to take time to figure out what it is you want in life & quit dragging other people down with you.
  • Explain to your fiancé that your engagement was a mistake because you have come to realise that you're not in love with him. Apologise for any hurt you've caused and split up with each other. Better to cause a little hurt now than a large hurt later when you would end up going through a divorce.
  • Er, "DO" your ex
  • Wow what seems like a quick easy fix usually isn't. Leave your fiancée and go with your heart (The ex). But I have to ask - what had you become your ex's ex in the first place?
  • follow your heart it shall never lead you astray
  • i guess break it off with your fiance and date your ex...just remember an ex is an ex for a reason.
  • Whatever you want.... Which relationship requires the least work?

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