Butter and jelly.
Butter and sugar. I don't do it often, but it's always made my sweet tooth happy!
I like a little butter, and smooth peanut butter spread on it, very thick. It has to be peter
scrambled egg and marmite, mmmmmmmmm.......
butter with sugar and Cinnamon. yum!
jelly grape or strawberry. theyre both great. NO BUTTER
My mom used to make a really delicious creamed cauliflower and she served it on toast. I make creamed cauliflower and it's kinda good..but doesn't hold a candle to my mom's..hers was a dish fit for royalty! :)
Marmite :-)
butter! There are a lot of other things I enjoy on toast too, but my favourite is hot toast with butter. Jethro Tull: Wondering aloud I'm tasting the smell/ of toast as the butter runs/ The she comes/ Spilling crumbs..
Peanut butter love it when it melts off hot toast.
Apple Butter.
Apple butter
M A R M I T E ;o)
I think I am a Sorry hun I have run out of points for ya :D Here's an *HUG* instead..
Butter or cheese.
Butter with sugar and cinnamon.
crunchy peanut butter
Hmm...a close one between cinnamon and sugar or grape jelly
Mashed banana, cinnamon and brown sugar.
Butter and grape jelly
Butter and jam...mmmh.
Pumpkin butter
Either (clover or orange blossom ) honey
Depends on my mood, but I like butter with cinnamon sugar or jelly or peanut butter or even avocado
When it's toast,I like sausage gravy all over it(I like biscuits better though.)
Cinnamon butter. It's to die for!
peanut butter and banana
I can tell by how you spell "favourite" that you like baked beans on toast, not that I don't like that, but my favorite is jelly.
cream cheese and chocolate chips!
Cinnimon and Sugar!! Lots of butter!!
buttery garlicy mushrooms
Raspberrry Jam
Peanut butter and jam!!
usually just plain old butter, but sometimes i'll put strawberry jelly on it!
Fried egg <RuNNy> no butter on the toast-just plain
cinamon with peanut butter
butter/margarine and jelly(Strawberry or Grape, in particular, but can be any type if person doesn't like either). If you're talking about French Toast, Cinnamon, butter/margarine, a dash(literrally) of sugar, a pat of butter, some maple syrup, all make good toppings. At least, that's all I can think of. There might be more, but you need to wait and see, as the results pour in.
I like butter and Blackberry Preserves ... +5
Cinnamon sugar!
Raspberry jam
COCO jam, some are calling it Coconut caramel. . .
Parkay butter!
Fresh cold butter
Someones brain till it puffs up black and burnt out.
Peanut butter and jelly.
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