• You are a strong person and please remember no matter how bad things get, you have the strength inside yourself to be strong for your child. It's natural for a parent that has been separated from their child to feel anger and resentment toward the other parent. And you may even find yourself saying from time to time: that the other parent is not taking proper care of our child. And no matter what the other parent does, for now you will find yourself hating the other parent even more which each passing day. It takes time for your wound of loosing your child to heal. And if you have a mental problem, it could take even longer to heal the double wound. Parents love their children and want what's best for their children. Sometimes parent's forget what's best for the child when it comes to holding resentment toward their child's other parent. Although this is hard for any parent to go through, please remember your child will still love you. And you will love your child. It hurts so deeply not to have your child in your care. And it hurts even more to know the ex (your enemy) has placement of your child. The other parent may not be the best parent in your eyes due to the resentment you may hold against them. But that does not mean in reality the other parent will not give your child the best care. Also, have a little faith that maybe some day your child will be with you again. But this can only happen if you show yourself that you are a good parent and you love yourself by getting your self better. Take care of yourself. Do what you need to do, to get yourself the help you need. You can do it! I know you can! I believe in you! And over time, maybe you will find yourself slowly starting to forgive your childs father. Good luck to you and hang in there.
  • If you lost custody because of your mental state, how is that your son's fathers fault?

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