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  • Yeah, she's not very serious about doing it.
  • It sounds like she has given you the answer you were looking for. Unfortunately not everyone we meet and date are the right people for us in the long run. She has said she needs space out of the relationship and isn't returning your text messages. When you split with someone, especially if you part on good terms, it seems perfectly reasonable to want them to continue being in your life. However the reality of this is often a lot more diffficult to undertake. Exes can not always be friends. I would leave her alone now, and if the friendship thing is going to happen then she'll get in touch.
  • she's keeping you on the back burner while she explores other people. If she doesn't find anyone better, she might come back to you, but it doesn't mean she will stay forever.
  • When she's ready could be ten days or ten years. Move on. If she happens to show up at some point in the future and you're available, you can think about it. In the meantime, live your life.
  • Do you people always take everything at face value or do you ever think that perhaps people say certain things to be nice, let you down easy and cushion the blow?
  • Whether you want her back or not under the circumstances is your business, but in any event the best course of action for you is to move on and ignore her. As long as you are waiting around for her she doesn't have any incentive to actually make a decision. Besides, people always want what the cannot have. Once you begin to attract the company of other women, she will begin to wonder what they've got that she doesn't.
  • Yes. Please just get out of it. Once you end up in the place you're in, it's better to just end it. I had a similar situation with an ex and it just went on and on! I thought it would never end. But it's so much better now that we just let it go.
  • just leave her alone for a while. she will come to you, trust me.
  • Better to not waste time waiting for her to come back and look for somebody else. Ironically, once you're with another girl, she might get interested again but then it would be too late. You deserve better than to be strung along.

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