• Easy. menopause :)
  • Considering the environment and American life style it makes sense.
  • That we (the U.S.) has dug our own grave, and that we created this statistic ourselves. Yes, it is sad and pathetic, but it could be reduced and partially prevented, if we really wanted to.
  • It's now the norm in American society.
  • That's a high percentage and it tells me just how easy it is to get a divorce...or to get married. Disposable society we live in...I think it would be worse if there are children involved.
  • Just says no such thing as sanctity and people get married for the hell of it on a drunk night and divorced the next.
  • Isn't it like 40 something? That sounds a bit high. Can you provide a source?
  • 70% is nowhere near the actual rate of divorce, there are all kinds of inflated numbers on the internet, probably found in the ads for divorce lawyers. The actual rate is somewhere between 43-49% according to the latest available statistics.
  • Whether it is lower or not, it really is normal, marriage isn't all flowers and happiness and kids. There are some messed up people that would love the chance to take advantage of someone, be supported, just be married so they can be accepted, to get someone "legal"....More reasons than not, it seems to be mistaken and not thought of beforehand enough.
  • This stat is COMPLETELY incorrect... Its around 45% give or take 3 pts. Not even half of marriages get divorced at this point in America. Be careful using incorrect statistics.
  • I don't really think divorce matters much at all unless there are kids involved. Parental divorce affects kids. Divorce between people who have no kids really don't affect anything but each other. So my opinion on the large statistic is: What percentage of them have mutual offspring? The remaining percentage: *shrugs*
  • It doesn't surprise me...I think people give up to easily anymore. It's sad.
  • my honest opinion is that statistic is false. The divorce rate is high but it is pointless to say much more about an invalid stat.
  • You'll get a society full of very sad children and they too might follow the exact footsteps of their divorced parents in later life, thus contributing to an increase in future divorce rate.
  • its so easy to get married. it is so easy to get a divorce. there are prenuptuals. just in case there is a divorce. lawyers love divorces. they are good for the economy. as for the stats, generally there is more to it than just saying a percent. it needs more explanation and specificity in order to make an intelligent comment.
  • People do NOT take marriage as seriously anymore. A lot of people are focused on the wedding instead of everyday that follows that day.
  • I almost got married twice but i was able to realize that it would only end in divorce. So i didn't contribute to the statistic. I think it is because most men look at marriage as a lifetime of free sex and women look at marriage as a lifetime of free money and child support. What crappy reasons to get married!
  • Culture starts from the children.Children have too much protection from law .So,they do not listen to the wise advise of parents.They take wrong decisions for the marriage without proper observation for certain appects.Once,they go for divorce & that's all. It becomes an easy game to change the partner on small issues.They never learn to co-operate,just want to run for other relationship.
  • What's so sad about it? People used to be stuck in unhappy marriages. What's so good about that? Now people can be honest and try again to make themselves happy. The higher the divorce rate, the higher the potential happiness. Why is a low rate good and a high rate bad? You've got it all backwards.
  • Alot of people aren't getting married but having kids anyway...what's the percent on those statistics? Divorce happens.
  • Honestly I was a bit suprised. I would have thought the percentage would be higher than 70%. I hardly know any married couples....they are all divorced.....including myself.

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