• I think they can be helpful, if you have an open mind about them.
  • I did give you 5 points but you had been trolled so they are not showing up. Okay, my answer. I think it all depends on what type of depression you have. If it is being caused because of a reaction to something that has happened to you, perhaps you should work on solving the problem. If it is more severe or major depression then meds is the answer. Mind you, if you had major depression then you would literally be begging the therapist for them. Do you have sleep problems, lack of motivation, confusion, memory loss, physical exhaustion? If so, get the meds. I did and I haven't looked back.
  • +5 positroll I think they are over prescribed, but I certainly think they can be of benefit to some people. There are people who have chemical brain imbalances who benefit greatly. With most people, however, it's a quick fix when what they really need is help with the underlying emotional issues that are causing the depression. You need to find out whether your depression is due to a physical or psychological issues. If the cause isn't physical, don't let your therapist be lazy and treat you chemically long term.
  • I'm on meds and it helps...a bit. I'm on Prozac atm (was on Lexapro) and it sort of helps me settle down. You get this easy feeling through out day. It's quite nice.
  • I took them for a while a few years ago, they worked wonders for me.
  • It's a situational thing. If you were recently tramatized or something has been altered in your life recently that makes you depressed, try to reverse or resolv it first. However, if it is a long term thing that can't be changed such as a death, and it is having serious effects on your daily life. I'd say the pills are probably a good choice provided you are well informed of any serious complications that could arise.
  • I took Wellbutrin to stop smoking. It worked because I could stand the pressure of the need to smoke and not doing it. I was on another one briefly a couple of years ago. I don't know if it helped. It was after surgery when the wound site became infected and the staples were removed leaving a open wound (large above my naval). It healed from the bottom up over several months but I have a very large scar. During that time I was on an anti-depressant.
  • They are very helpful if you are clinically depressed, they're less-than-stellar if you are bummed you lost your favorite pen.
  • I have a family history of depression, and both my brother and I have been treated with medication. My brother likes to analogize it to diabetes. There are some people who can manage their diabetes with just diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. There are other people who need regular insulin injections. It is also the case that if you are on insulin therapy, you should *still* modify your lifestyle to account for your condition. If you have a mental health problem, you might be able to manage it with therapy, lifestyle changes, and the like. Or, you might need to take medications that compensate for the damage to your brain chemistry. Either way, you should make whatever life changes are necessary to remove any stressors that may be contributing to your difficulties. Do anti-depressants have side effects? Yes. For some people, they are severe. For others (thankfully, including me) they can be minimal. The key is to start with small doses, carefully monitor your mood changes, and be willing to try different treatments. Good luck.
  • They help some people, and not so much for others. They aren't a cure for depression, though. they're just a way to help ward it off while you get yourself sorted out through other means.
  • Sometimes you only have to be on them for a short period. For some people, it can be used as a sort of boost to help you through a specific time period in your life when things might be rough. For others, they can be on it for a long time. I think it's a lot more common these days, and if it helps, then why not?? It may be worth a try especially if you have a family history of depression where antidepressants have been successful.
  • You know I fought it for over 15 years and really I probably could have had more peace if I had taken them.Just so happens my seretonin level is low and I need them. Well, I finally tried Lexapro and no side effects. I was on another drug a couple years ago and so many side effects . But there are alot of good ones and new ones out there. There is a big difference in me . The struggles are alot less and I can think better. There is nothing wrong if you do need it. It may not be forever but yu can try and see how much better you feel.

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