• I think there would be less bull@#$% flying in his direction if there was less hate and gloating from his supporters. Plus, everyone is looking forward to the new taxes, so they are getting a little testy.
  • God yes. It's like some people KNOW he's going to fail and screw up the country and the man has not even taken office yet. He was elected less than a week ago. Just like the constant "he's a muslim" and he's this and he's the anti Christ. Nobody will ever admit that he's competant and will actually do this country some good. How can he screw it up any worse than GW has? In 4 years when this country is doing so much better they will still say "Obama is NOT the reason"
  • I'm tired of it! It smacks of sore losership.
  • Why should anyone wait to see? I read his platforms and I knew from what I read that I did NOT want him to lead our country, America. I truly do not believe many Americans did not read and study any of his views. If they did, he would have NOT been elected.
  • When I read some of the comments to other questions regarding Obama I cringe. Some Ab'ers have gone as far as calling him Hilter among other things. Why are they so sure that McCain would have made the better President? Are they so afraid of change that they are willing to travel down the same beaten track that the Bush Goverment has taken. Look where that has taken the US. I say wait and see, give the man a chance to prove himself. Regardless of whom you voted for, the majority has spoken. Be a supporter not a complainer. Any change will be better than what you had.
  • Come here Snookums! I think I love you!
  • Well if it isn't the left hammering the right, it will be the right hammering the left. remember what the left has done in the last four years and the attacks on the candidates from the right as well as the left. So you see it's business as usual.
  • Absolutely! With all that's been going on the last few years, do they really think Obama could possibly do worse? I've looked at my last retirement and investment statements. I'm sure it's true with everyone....those balances have gone down substantially. What about your other bills/utilities? Mine have all gone up. The only thing going down right now is gasoline (*knocks on wood*). I'm quite anxious to see how quickly changes can be made. We all know that the economic situation can't be solved overnight.
  • poor guy has just started. I'm not from US but he can't be judged just yet. I did hate that 'california banning same sex marriages law' though.
  • The TRUTH of the matter is, we'd see less "continuous projections of doom and gloom, etc" if there weren't so many platforms to EXPRESS them. As great as cable/satellite is, there IS an awful lot of time to fill. Why NOT create a bit of mischief to keep the ratings up and the sponsors happy? And the internet is an excellent communication tool if you overlook the minor inconvenience of the average man having the ability to quickly and easily spread venom around the world. Everything can't be perfect.
  • I've been sick of it for a long time. There are *still* lies being propagated about him and about what he wants to do. As an outsider, before this election I had some respect for the Republican side; now I have none at all.
  • Hitler delivered change we will see.
  • Yes but not surprisingly. Just today, I heard on the radio that some priest in the Carolinas is refusing to give absolution (I think?) to anyone that voted for Obama just because of his stand on abortion. WTF? And this coming from the sector of the cult that specializes in pedophilia...~sigh~
  • The doom and gloom is brought on by the media to attract ratings. I don't care who was elected President, there is not much that can be done to the markets by any government to help. It'll fix itself sooner or later.
  • A wait and see approach is fair but alot of people are fearful and worried because they've looked into his past with the Senate and his associates.
  • Without a doubt, all of us Americans should take a 'wait and see'approach to this presidency. The assumption, however, that there are all these "projections of doom and gloom" and "continued stale accusations about Barack Obama" might be construed as biased and cliche. There are certainly extremes on BOTH 'sides' of the political forum, but the lively, logical debate about which direction the President-elect may take is hardly "obsessive hatred". Have you been listening to most news outlets? They have bordered on being sycophantic when it comes to Obama. Let me say a hearty "CONGRATULATIONS" to all of his supporters; I was not of them. Nevertheless, he is now my President too, and I trust that he is compelled to take this country in a direction that is not entirely representative of his ideology. That certainly doesn't make me a hater or 'doom and gloom'. I know I shouldn't, Taylor, but let me ask: did you extend the same goodwill and open-mindedness to our outgoing President?
  • I agree, we have to give the man a chance. Some already have him prejudged. Gosh its not an easy job just wish they would just sit and wait on it. I believe he is a good man and will do his best. He has a good record from the past and I am excited to see him in action.
  • It's not hatred, but fear. He governs from the extreme left. He votes more liberal than a declared socialist in the Senate. All of his proposals on his website could be classified as "what can government do for you". I have a wait and see approach, but I don't think he will govern from the middle. Obama got 52% of the vote and thinks he has an absolute mandate because of the House and Senate swing. THAT is where the danger comes from. He is not a moderate. He is a spend and tax leftist.
  • What's the fun in that? Just because it makes complete sense doesn't mean it will ever happen. I mean, it didn't happen eight years ago, either. Or sixteen years ago.
  • Yes. Spare me! :)
  • Not really because I haven't seen that many of them but I agree that they should take a "WAS" approach. That would especially apply to my wife who tried to blame Obama for the plight of some homeless people that she saw today. I reminded her that Bush is still the Pres so blame him or Reagan. ;)
  • right.. just how Germany used the 'wait and see' approach with Hitler. NO. I think we have enough evidence on Obama to see that we should not have the approval rating he has for President of the United States of America. His voting record says alot. The Patriot Act, banning firearms, and unjust wars.. His HUGE socialist government spending and foreign policies are very much contrary to what the Founding Fathers had in mind for America. America needs to wake up, and stop buying into the propaganda... Americans, including the media, need to stop talking about his dogs and his wife's dresses, and start talking about his new Corps he wants to develope and the new mandatory Civilian Defense Force. Bush started it, and Obama is continuing the tyranny.
  • Because they know he's going to take us away from conservative "values" and bring us back towards liberal "values." What they need to remember is that politics is a pendulum. Swinging right to left, and left to right. They had their turn, now it's our. In a while it will be theirs again. Which is what keeps this country moderately central, which is realalistically where we belong.
  • I have waited, I have seen, and I dont like what I see!
  • Yes. Indeed it is. But there are hate filled books to sell on the open market. I'd recommend their toning down their rhetoric, but the problem with such is that Republicans ARE Rhetoric. They don't comprehend the long term effects of 'crying wolf'.
  • Right wing bloggers swore up and down that America's destruction was imminent; Islamo-Facist armies going door-to-door making people convert to Islam, taking people's guns and money, raping their white daughters, etc. Pretty hilarious stuff! (It really irritates the Far Right when you laugh at them) Alas, none of this has happened, and it leaves the bed-wetting, hysterical GOP looking like morons. They've engaged in every kind of insurgency except an armed one, and they might not be too far away from that. They simply cannot stand it when blacks get "uppity".

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