• After I had a knee replacement in 2000, that was terrible, but I began to heal, only to come down with Shingles 8 weeks later. That was the WORST pain I have ever felt in my entire life, and it lasted close to a year. I would not wish that on anyone!
  • Well, first, I thought about the time I sprained my wrist. But that doesn't even come close to the time when my mom's wrist was dislocated, and we went to this massage guy who was supposed to pop the bones back in place. It was terrible. We were in this small shed, and all I could hear was my mom's screaming and crying and I saw her face covered in tears and eyes red. WHat hurted more was that I couldn't stop her from hurting, by just hugging her or holding her. Seeing others that I love, in pain, hurts me way more than when I'm hurt myself. I wish I could just take the pain away.
  • Labor! 19 hours! It was a pain that is indescribable -- and it's relentless! But the reward is worth it :-D
  • Emotional pain was the day they told me the most important thing in my life had gone forever. Physically the pain when i broke 5 vertebrae in my neck/ back.
  • First would be Kidney Stones. I have had 5. Next a back fusion. I deal with back pain everyday. It is a real bummer.
  • physical pain - when I tore the ligament on the top of my foot (age 13) emotional pain - when I found out that my infant son's finger was broken, and may never get full mobility back.
  • I can handle phyisical one until some point, but the one that most hurts me , is the psicological one.
  • i was showing horses at a horse show and i was standing outside the ring with my horse, talking to a friend waiting for the next class to go in. When a rider lost control of its horse inside the arena and the horse bolted through the metal arena gate sending it flying right into me! luckily i was turned away from the arena and it crashed into my backside! but i could safely say i was done showing for the rest of the day.
  • my cousin hit me in the knee with a miniature souvenir baseball bat. I limped for months after that
  • When I was younger I was hit in the face with a baseball....All I can say is that there was blood everywhere.
  • Gall Bladder pain is right up there in the physical sence, but major depression is the worst,it not only affects the sufferer but their immediate family, I was once held hostage in Iraq, (first time around) and after all this time I still suffer pain, but the trouble is its in my head, but time is supposed to be a good healer and I'm working on it. I just heard that Saddam Hussein is going to be hung in 30 days.
  • I suffered with a herniated disk for at least 5 years, taking addictive medicines and physical therapy which hurt even more, before it was properly diagnosed. I could no longer feel my left leg, except for the radiating pain traveling into my ankle. I rolled out of bed, unable to sit up or swing my legs out; had trouble sitting on the toilet; could barely step into the tub to shower; and began brushing my teeth in the shower to keep from having to bend over at the sink. Doctors told me I was too young to have any serious problems, especially since I hadn't had an accident to attribute my problems to. They gave me more drugs to take, told me to take off work, apply heat or cold; and to go swimming! One day a co-worker recommended a neurosurgeon, who had just removed a brain tumor on her nephew. Dr. Howe ordered an MRI, and his nurse called later that day to set up emergency surgery! He performed a discectomy on my L4 disk, removing the material pressing on the nerve root or spinal cord. Upon waking in the recovery room, the first thing I recall is the lack of pain in my back (except the incision hurt a little) and that I could feel my leg for the first time without it being a hurt feeling. Other than some recurring pain a couple years later, attributed to scar tissue which was treated with "trigger point" steriod injections, which felt like fire being shot inside my body, I have not suffered any loss of motion or continuing pain due to this for 20 years. There's been so much emotional pain in my life, I wouldn't know where to start. It has all hurt like hell!
  • emotionaly, when my x broke up with me..and i knew that nothing would ever be the same, and i missed him, wanted him to take me back..but then i found out that he was cheating on me and dumped me for another talk about feeling used..but step by step i got over him..well not quit but iam getting there=) physically when i was on my bike and i fell down hill and hit my nose..and blod was coming from my head and nose..yeah that is the only BIG pain i have felt.. =)
  • Falling into a fire pit andgetting my hand stuck for around 10 seconds, with 3rd degree burns on them.
  • Labor and childbirth. Not all were equally bad, but one was so bad [back labor, they are right about back pain being the WORST]... I actually had to go out of my body, then back in and down to face it. It was a bright, yellow, white light that I couldn't believe.
  • root canal with little pain killers, bottom tooth went through my lip, kicked between the legs by someone with really strong legs
  • Fifteen sheets of sheetrock bending my knee backwards about 20 degrees.
  • My mother called me one evening and told me that she had an inoperable tumor, and that her doctor said it was a very aggressive kind of cancer. This news was like being kicked in the stomach. They gave her a couple of months to live, which turned out to be correct. I miss her still.
  • My caesarean section, hysteroscopy, and hysterectomy. Oh so painful!!! Loved the morphine - awesome stuff for pain.
  • I would have to say some of the times I went to the dentist. You name it, they've done everything, from drilling through my gums without the pain depressant shots to scraping my gums down over new teeth. I've broken bones and all that stuff but my experiences with my dentist are horrible. I salute you British folk. (jk jk :D)
  • i had this electrical pain going through me,literally for 5 hours and nothing worked, so i stayed squirming in my bed on christmas day in pain with my parents by my side. i wish christmas could have been better
  • #1 - Gout attacks (not all - just the worst ones) #2 - An eye infection #3 - Blood clot in my leg #4 - Ulcer attacks #4 - Broken foot and surgery #5 - Second and third degree chemical burns on my wrists - mainly cleaning them #6 - Acid reflux #7 - Waiting in traffic <G>
  • Physically - recovery and physical therapy after I had a piece of my pelvis fused into my spine to help correct scoliosis. Emotional - Coming to terms with the fact that my son is autistic. It's like having to say goodbye to the "normal" child you THOUGHT you would have, and getting to know the child you have instead.
  • Physical: Got shot. & Hypodermic syringe needle under 2 of my fingernails was BAD! Emotional Pain: Death of mother. Past year- chronic pain re. various things.
  • Physically - Several years ago I was riding motorcycles with some friends and of course we all acting a little careless and I was riding at a high rate of speed with no shirt on, and lost control of the bike, I went over the front of the bike and landed face and stomach on asphalt and slid for what seemed like forever and as a result I got he worst case of road rash on my chest, stomach hands and forearms. I was on 700 mg Hydrocone for a month.
  • probely when my apendix burst
  • when i found out my husband was cheating, yes it was emotional pain, but it was worse then giving birth. it is a pain i never want to experience again in my life (i would gladly have more children!)
  • impacted kidney stone.Want details?
  • When I was 19yrs old and being stupid about Birth Control. I ended up getting pregnant and having a miscarrige before I even knew. It was horrible, I ended up in the hospital for a bit. That was both mentally and physically painful for sure!
  • When some dumba** kicked me right where the sun don't shine.
  • Emotional: My miscarriage I didn't think I'd live through it, it was so painful and hard to deal with. I layed in bed for a week straight just about. Physical: I got in a wreck which ripped my braces of my teeth and puncturing my face, knocked me out for 30 minutes, had to have surgery on my knee, and couldn't sit for about a week, and it was hard to walk.
  • Migraine headaches. got to be the worst pain on earth. had the headaches for about 43 years. at about age 51, they just quit. i was blessed. what was so debilitating is the headaches occured every three days. i would go for a day or two, headache-free just waiting for the next one. bright lights and loud noises sent me into orbit. My only relief was a pain shot at the emergency room. There is no way to explain the pain, unless you too are a sufferer.
  • I was injected with Demerol after my gall bladder removal operation. Demerol is supposed to take care of the pain...not on me! It was as good as receiving a shot of water. I was going crazy, never had so much pain in my life...
  • LABOR!!
  • Shoulder dis-lo-kay-shee-own. (4 times) Those who have experienced both, say it is worse than a broken bone.
  • Splitting my chest plate in half and breaking my collar bone and all of my rib's in a car accident.
  • When I got my wisdom teeth pulled out. The first day I was fine, but the second day was torture. I took to much vicodin, which made me have to open my mouth wide to throw it up it felt like my mouth was being yanked apart, then for nausea from the vicodin they gave me the most painful shot on the planet, and then I had a dry socket for 2weeks, it was horrible!
  • watching my mum suffer altzhiemers very truamatic when someone you love has been so strong and then lose everything to a silly disease............ so sad
  • Throat pain from Glandular fever. It wsas so bad I was on Pethadine (high as a kite)
  • Three days of back labor...followed by a natural birth with forceps and NO pain medication.
  • When i lost my best friend in a road accident
  • That would be a toss up between labor and gall bladder attack..and I really believe the gall bladder was worse. I honestly thought I was going to die.
  • When i dislocated my shoulder in deep water and nearly drowned, that sucked.
  • ive been in so much pain before ive prayed for lie..
  • When I had an eardrum infection, right before it blew out... Oddly, after it ripped it didn't hurt at all (I was deaf for a few weeks, tho).
  • both my ankles shattered playing football. still have muscle damage.
  • I fell on a fence a few years ago and cut my neck, i had blood everywhere and couldnt breathe properly but last year i had my emotional pain, reminising and trying to get over things, soemtimes i wanted to die, i nearly did
  • 1/ I had to get stitches about 6 years back for this ridiculous-sized cut on my leg that happened accidentally. When I got to the hospital, the doctor had to stick me about 6 times INSIDE of the wound to "numb" it but I felt it everytime and I even felt her stitching me back up- the string was gliding through my skin- felt horrible- and they thought that I was asleep, but unfortunately the medicine that they gave me didnt put me to sleep either. 2/ Cramps! Hate them.
  • Jan 9 2007. Mom passed away in a brutal car accident.
  • Physical pain: When I shattered a joint in my middle finger whilst showjumping. I heard it break! The worst pain though was when I went to casualty and the nurse thought I was making a fuss over nothing and that I had probably just sprained it. Whilst examining it she squeezed the shattered bit and I don't think Ive ever screamed so loud! I burst into tears and when she saw the x-rays and realised what she had done to me she nearly cried too! In the end I had to have surgery on it under general anaesthetic and I have had limited movement in it since. Emotional pain: Losing my grandmother to altzeimers. Heartbreaking.
  • I'm sorry.I removed my answer because after posting it,I realised it was more info than I was willing to give out.This was the only way I knew of how to erase it. Sorry,again. :)
  • emotional pain, it lingers longer than physical pain, the death of a loved one. At least for most physical ailments pain killers work.
  • heart break!!! :( nothing can beat that pain if u have it and it will be a long healing process ul undergo.. or worst can give u sum trauma..
  • Emotional: when i found out that my ex was cheating on me with my best friend cause i didn't allow her to take drugs...we were about to get married btw. Physically: try 1200volts straight to your head like i did by accident. I was a kid and i was playing hide and seek in a church with some other kids and i was hidden under a power generator that had a leak.The next thing i know is me being laid on a table while doctors are ripping off my clothes with a headache even bigger than me,my arms,legs where broken cause of the crisis that the electricity did to me plus the hole i got in my bile cause of that and had to make an operation. i was in a coma and i woke up in the middle of another operation.
  • I've had a lumbar puncture, for those who dont know what it is, it's where they stick a large needle straight into you're spine to take a sample of cerobrospinal fluid for testing, in my case it was needed becuase I had and still do have leukemia. I had to have it with no anestetic. in all I was jabbed with the needle three times, twice they missed. worst thing is i was nine at the time :(
  • i tried to pick up a cat and i cut my wrist on a barbed wire fence when i was i think five. The cut was about 3/10 of an inch of hitting the main vein, i prolly would've died, but god was watching me, so im glad about that!
  • The first time I broke up with a girlfriend was the worst pain I can remember. It lasted a long time, too.
  • getting hit with a frozen paintball.
  • every winter from january 1st till about april 1st.
  • Close race between a spinal tap and having my leg broken.
  • Labor pains before the epidural.
  • The worst physical pain I ever experienced is a tie bewtween when I broke my femur (thigh) bone in 3 places when I was 7 years old or several years ago when my "friend" punched me in the face so hard I got a hairline fracture in my jaw which gave me TMJ. Emotional pain? I'd rather not go there.
  • Getting my knee bent backwards by nearly a ton of falling sheetrock.
  • I came out of a stomache hernia operation where the anesthesia didn't work right. The pain came before conciousness. It did change by perspective on life. But also back pain - constant and enduring - if ever there was a time I just wanted to die.
  • The worst physical pain had to have been my circumcision when I was five. This was before doctors realized that babys and young people do feel pain. I was five at the time and well....It haunts me to this day, not to mention it was botched and I got an infection and damage from the surgury. The worst mental pain had to have been the attacks I endured in school. I'm part asian and a lot of people made fun of me because they thought asians were weak, small in stature, small in terms of being a man. They thought asian men to be eunuchs while the women were something craved because they were so small compared to caucasians. For several years I thought i wasn't handsome or cute, rather some inferior being that shouldn't be around. I was told that asian men were unattractive by women. It still hits me every day and I hear a racial comment about asians every week, at least twice. The worst emotional pain would have been when my sister died. She was my older sister who took care of me, where my parent didn't. I lived with her, after she found out that I was near starvation. She even decided to move back to Ct to take care of me. But, one week when she was closing up the appartment in NYC she took the wrong train and ended up dead. Later I found out that she left me a fortune of 6 mil., she was a CEO of some firm, nevermind my parents of my other brother they cared for. I inherited it all, including the house and that hurts the most. Writing all this makes me shake.
  • I had pleurisy with a severe case of bronchitis. The medication I was taking was to help me to cough to clear my lungs & every time I coughed I cried. I didn't know what it was until after I went to the ER. I thought I'd broken a rib or something coughing. I'd rather go thru childbirth again than to go thru that again!
  • Physical Motorcycle accident one broken leg a broken wrist heaps of gravel burn (rash) to the bone while lying on the road waiting for help much pain! ........... Emotional breaking up with my girl friend after 8 years the worst pain!
  • First, I'd have to say childbirth (although the second time wasn't as bad as the first and third). Truly an agonizing, prolonged and relentless pain. Secondly, kidney stones. Starting when I was a teen I got them every two years until I hit my twenties and learned to prevent them. Yeah!
  • Was bitten by a brown recluse spider on my spine. bite had to be surgically removed. doctors could not deaden the surgery location on my spine. One surgeon came into the operating room and gave me a clean towel. i asked what this was for and he stated.......... Muffler. You could hear me scream out in the parking lot.
  • Emotionally, when I thought my marriage was over, physically, when I was in labor.
  • The day after I got braces, it felt like hundred men had punched me in the face.
  • Heart ache!!!From a broken heart,i think thats far worse than any physical pain some one could endeour on me!
  • an operation i had to go through and losing my mum and grandparents were the hardest things i have had to go through
  • My wife's affair, the pain is not sort goes on and on.
  • when i got dental surgery and they froze my mouth and dug into my pallete with a knife ...well the dumb nurse stuck the needle too far away from my pallete and froze my nose and i felt them dig in with the knife and i screamed cuz it hurt so bad and then the surgeon decided to give me another shot himself
  • My left lung collapses... very often. I have had to have surgery almost every 2 wks for the past 3 years to try to keep the bottom lobe open, the top one is a lost cause. I have also had 8 chest tubes for a number of pneumothoraxes caused by too many weeks on a ventilator. Lung pain has definitely been the worst pain for me x_x Chest tubes are probably the worst.
  • When I was on my football team and I was sick but I played the game and I was coughing and wheezing for the whole game (playing both sides and special teams didnt help, either) and then i went to the hospital that night and i was diagnosed with pnemonia...and A FEVER OF 106.40something
  • Child birth. 14 hours of labour, 2 hours of pushing, and then a c section. My son had an indent in his little head I could stick the end of my thumb in. Poor little guy was stuck on my pelvis, he was 9lbs 13oz and 24 inches long. That explains it all!
  • losing my virginity he was friken huge!!!!! hahahaha sorry
  • In 2005 when I had chronic middle ear infections in both ears at the same time. My ENT didn't want to pack my ears because they were so full of blood and pus. My neck, face and throat was so swollen it hurt to breathe. Sleeping was excruciating torture until I forced myself to learn how to sleep sitting up. I will never forget the constant agony and the urge to scratch the itchy, infected inside of my ear actually made me scream on more than one occasion. Not pleasant at all.
  • When I was eight I was out feeding the cows one cold morrning and was stabing the hay with a pitch fork I did not see my foot and stuck it right though. I tried to pull it out but I was stuck to the floor. I chiped the bone and was bleeding all over. All I could do was scream in hopes that my uncle who was in the barn finishing the miking would hear me. It hurt every time I moved and I could not get it loss. Finally my uncle heard my screams and came out to see what was wrong I got blood poisoning by the time it was over and have a little bit of nerve damage.
  • Menstral Cramps, the worst!
  • The worst pain I ever experienced was after I awoke from having my wisdom teeth (all 4) removed. One of them was impacted and they attempted to crush it up and remove it piece by piece. Apparently all that digging around in my gumhole irritated it and I looked like I had a softball in my right cheek. I was taking some hardcore pain medicine and it still hurt. I ate melted ice cream for a two weeks because i couldn't open my mouth enough to chew anything. I'm glad that's over!
  • accidently cutting my wrist with a really sharp kitchen knife :) :)
  • Spending an evening with an insurance salesman!
  • Losing my beloved brother in a tragic way, it is truly the most painful thing I have ever had to deal and really do not wish to ever have that pain again in my lifetime!
  • labour for my 3 children
  • The pain that gnawed at my heart when my father left me the *second* time.
  • Other than childbirth, the death of my brother and father; I'd definitely say Kidney Stones would rank right up there.
  • So hard to choose... physically probably ripping off half my back. Mentally, either my dad hating me, or my uncle and his f*cktardness
  • I think I've been fairly lucky so far in life, I can't recall being in really bad pain compared to many other people. The worst physical pain i've experienced was probably stomach cramps during an episode of acute food poisonng.
  • Without a doubt, my wife's affair, the most horriable thing that I have ever had to live through, but with the help of a wonderful person here on AB I am learning daily to deal with it....
  • Sitting through 'Gigli' starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Oh the humanity!
  • This years plague around Houston. It hits multiple times. It causes cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, respiratory congestion etc. I have never hurt so bad in all my life. Many around here have said the same, including my wife who says it is more painful than childbirth. (That is why I have been on here so much lately - I am ill).
  • my fourth grandson was a premie and seeing him for 30 days with wires,gadgets,tubes,monitors etc.,hooked-up on him almost gave me a heart attack.
  • completely natural childbirth...only did it that way once and not by was BAD
  • a broken heart, because vicoden doesn't help
  • Emotionally, losing a child. Physically, having a testicular infection for almost a year!!! It was like getting hit in the groin all day long for about 10 months.
  • The death of my grandson. 3 mos & 11 days old
  • I broke my collar bone in two places in a rugby match. By the time I saw a doctor I had got my shoulder quite comfortable just sort of hanging down near my waist, so he had to lift it back up to where it should be and strap it up so that it healed straight. Oh my God! that was the most uncomfortable, wierdest pain I've ever felt. I broke my other collar bone a few years later, but it wasn't half as painful as that.

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