I was playing at a bar with my band once, and I decided to don a hat. It wasn't a baret, but maybe looked like one in the dark, smoky room, from far enough away. I heard a voice that kept shouting "Green Baret!" When we took a short break to get water and fresh air, the guy asked me if I had ever been shot. I started explaining that I was only 16 years old and had never served in the armed forces, and he interrupted (in slurred, spattered, drunken speech) with "Aww, man! Ya gotta get shot! It hurtsth like heck, but itht's the besht!" and reached into his pocket for something. I didn't even stick around long enough to see what he was digging for, and just disappeared into the crowd on the dance floor.
Yep, I shoot myself every morning in the stomach with liraglutide. hehehe My little brother shot me with the lid to a 2L soda bottle when he set it on the table and slammed his fist down on it. I've been burned a lot, and stabbed once, but never shot... yet!
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Heh, I didn't think of the syringe angle when I wrote the question. I also was shot with a target arrow once. They aren't made to penetrate flesh, but it broke the skin. Luckily, it only hit me in the calf, not in the head. I had been stabbed once, too - in the lower abdomen with a broken bottle. It went pretty deep. I was just a kid at the time, and didn't even think about going to the doctor and getting stitches. I was mostly worried that my mom would be mad that I bled all over my nice clothes. -
Linda Joy
I was supposed to be watching my little brother, he was in the field next door and I was throwing darts. I missed the board entirely and the dart perched itself in my brother's head. I almost had a heart attack! I was only 12. But my brother acted like he didn't even know it was there!!! It was bouncing up and down with each step he took! I also remember breaking one of mom's beautiful blue glasses while drying dishes. I tried to catch it with my knee and cut my leg. When I didn't get in trouble for breaking the glass I became concerned that I must be seriously wounded!
not yet
bostjan the adequate 🥉
LOL, well, I hope it's not something you need to ever worry about. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
pearllederman, "not yet" implies something is expected to happen or at least not at the moment if that makes you feel better. lol
I was shot in the back by my brother with bird-shot from afar. It was a tad more painful than 2 hornets' nests attacking me.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Ouch, that's a bad situation! My grandfather was shot in the face with birdshot by another hunter. He never had the shot removed, so it used to terrify my friends when I was a little kid. -
Linda Joy
My brother accidentally shot and killed his best friend while hunting as a teenager. Dang, Wakko! I bet that DID hurt! Did any of them penetrate clothes and skin? How long did it take for it to heal? -
Linda Joy
Things have changed a lot since we were young! -
I still have some of the shot in my back and I can still feel one in the back of my leg. We really didn't run to the doctor for things like that back then, either. :P -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
That's incredibly sad, Linda Joy. I'm really sorry to hear that. -
aww, that's so thoughtful of you, bj. :P -
Linda Joy
It is. Thank you. And no, we didn't go to the hospital as much back then. I hope it doesn't cause you pain.
With a BB gun.
Oh, the horror. :P -
Linda Joy
Hey! You can put an eye out with that! -
I stopped playing with guns long ago. Calm down, I'm not going to shoot the lion.... with a BB gun. xD -
That wouldn't be wise as he's likely to come after you ! A jr high acquaintance was angry that his dad welded my go cart for free after my dad said that work would have been expensive. I think Frank must have been neglected by his Dad to have gotten so angry at me to shoot me in the leg. Good thing that it was only a spring loaded daisy with very limited force.
Yep, I have been shot many times with a Super Soaker. It is not a hurtful feeling, but those toy guns have 25 shots of 30-milliliters of water to literally speak about my experience.
Linda Joy
That can be fun if everyone is into it, but mom taught me early in life not to get the glasses wet! And some people are afraid they will drown if they get caught in the rain! They can be a real 'wet blanket'. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yes indeed, it can be fun to have a gun that will soak you completely with a few blasts.
Shot at a numbers of times, but never hit.
I never was, but a friend in the armed forces was hit in the bulletproof vest while serving overseas. The vest stopped the bullet entirely but he was knocked flat on his back from the impact. Plus the bullet hit him low and on the right, below the ribs, so the doctors kept him in the hospital overnight just to make sure he didn't have any internal bleeding.
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