• means u need to see a dr ASAP
  • you may die. Blood loss is a very easy way to die
  • It means you picked your nose too much, tilted your head back, and the bloody mucus partially drained into your throat.
  • It means you should go to a doctor, because clots of blood, whether coughed up or in a nose bleed, can be symptoms of something serious.
  • Blood clots are the clumps that result from coagulation of the blood (blood hardens to from liquid to solid). A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel or within the heart and remains there is called a thrombus. A thrombus that travels from the blood vessel or heart to another location in the body is called an embolus, and the disorder, an embolism. For example, an embolus that occurs in the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism.This blockage prevents normal blood flow and oxygen from reaching the tissues in that location. This is called ischemia. If ischemia is not treated promptly it can result in tissue damage, or death of the tissues in that area.
  • I am 45 yrs. old and no I do not pick my nose Mr. The Special One, boy do you have an ego from Hell. I may blow my nose a lot more than others because I can't stand to have runny and dirty nose. This has just started happening in the past 2 mons. and I have seen a doctor, in fact two of them so, I'm researching myself.
  • Blood clots coming out of your nose through blowing your nose a lot can be caused by trauma and rupture of the small blood vessels in the nasal lining. However, if you are coughing blood stained mucus up then the clots are forming in your trachea, bronchus or lung tissue. This can also be due to trauma through coughing or can be indicative of something seriously wrong. Please ask your doctor for blood screening, chest x-ray and sputum screening.
  • It can mean a lot of things, but in this case, it probably means you have a bad cold and the mucus has irritated your nasal passages/cavities. The clots are probably more mucus than blood. Blood doesn't tend to clot in the nose, but to come straight out. If blood is gushing, THEN worry. Use a little saline spray to try to keep the nasal passages lubricated and don't worry. It doesn't sound serious. If you are coughing up blood clots out of your chest -- worry. If you are coughing up blood "clots" out of your throat -- don't. It's simply draining from your nose.
  • Coughing up blood is a common sign of Tuberculosis. Blood clots in your nose usually means you have forced air heating and the air is too dry for your sinuses.
  • do you smoke? it could be a combination of that and dry winter air. or... you could have bronchitis. or... you should go to a doctor. well, go to a doctor either way, really.
  • I just experienced a similar situation last night with a friend of mine. I took him to hospital as he was coughing up a soup bowl full of blood. They are still searching for causes, but it is likely that the blood thinning medication he has been using over many years is to blame.
  • it means you need to go to the ER immediately
  • Could be a post-nasal bleed... ie bleeding at the very back of your nose that drips down into your windpipe. Alarming but not serious. However this might be something serious so you have to get it checked out. Good luck if it was you being referred to!

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