• I've never heard of such a thing. They call me telling me my social security has been reported for fraudulent activity. I just block them.
  • It could mean you are getting spoofed. This is a common tactic used by scammers and fraudsters to deceive and trick people.
  • Your friend probably got a dirty loan and didn't pay it back. A couple of years ago a turn out I sort of knew put me down as a referance when he got some dirty loan. When he didn't pay it back some turn out rang me 1/2 a dozen times wanting to know if Id seen that person.. Just tell them to go away and not to ring you again.
  • When somebody applies for credit, they are asked for references. Your name was probably listed as a reference by somebody. My grandson did that once and he began to miss payments, and the creditor called me a few times asking me where he was. 6/23/24

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