• I HAVE AN ANSWER AFTER A LONG LONG TIME!!! It's the equivalent of a bully in highschool: They aren't happy with their lives, so you have to be miserable too. Or they are psychotic religious people that condemn homosexuality due to scripture. By that logic, your parents probably should have stoned you long, long ago.
  • I think for some it is that they have an overwhelming desire to give us all their (bigoted)opinions, for some it is to stimulate healthy deabte and for yet others it is a chance to voice their phobias. I believe that there is probably something missing in their lives that they have to worry about how other people live theirs!
  • I Believe that there are times in others Lives when they are not Happy with whats going on for themselves.. maybe they are Miserable and dont quite know how to go about changing things up for themselves.. so. Instead of wanting that Positive change or possibly being scared to make changes.. they strike out any way they can.. just my thoughts :)
  • Could be that we're conditioned to think this way. Watch the US, and how it continually "meddles" in the affairs of other countries--and cover it up with lies like "Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 tragedy--so let's invade Iraq!!!" Now we're setting up Iraq into kind of a democracy--patterned after the US. Another example of, "I don't like how or what you're doing--so stop it, and be like us!!!" Or else.
  • 'Shoring up' tenuous beliefs? ;-)

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