• THIS INFORMATION IS WRONG, MY BAD The red carpet originated with the railroad. Conductors commonly rolled out the red carpet to direct passengers to the correct location on the train. (i think it started before the railroads but thats all i found on google. I want to know now too)
  • Red is a color of Royalty.
  • Red is for the blood they've shed to get ahead. :D Actually my answer is the answer to the riddle, "What do you get if you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros". ;) Here's a quote from the source that Sara posted: "The red carpet makes its first appearance on the historical stage in Aeschylus' 5th century BCE play Agamemnon. Clytaemnestra tries to convince Agamemnon to walk across the red carpet, insisting that he deserves special recognition for his accomplishments. However, he is afraid to offend the gods, insisting that the gods have given the Greeks victory, and he had nothing to do with it at all. The gods deserve recognition, not him. But Clytaemnestra continues to pressure him. .... For the carpet leads him into his palace and to his own death. The carpet takes him through the palace door which Clytemnestra closes behind him. It reopens some minutes later with Clytemnestra triumphantly holding an axe aloft as Agamemnon's body lies lifeless at her feet on the blood-saturated carpet."
  • It probably has something to do with royalty.

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