Birmingham Alabama practically blew up overnight! That's why they call it the Magic City. And it's because it has all the things to make steel locally. I had a friend named Teresa we used to ride around in her little red Mustang convertible and she'd tell me about the history of Birmingham. After that I signed on a Facebook group about this city and it's history and interesting facts about it so I know a little bit I don't go there very often though. And I've only lived here 7 years
Ice man
Very interesting I'd say. -
Linda Joy
We've only been here 140 years. And we have almost everything! Here's a list of 25 cool things. You might be interested in #16 and #19! -
Ice man
Okay, so where is the list ?? -
Linda Joy
Hahaha! So sorry I'm going senile!
When it rains, the water flows into the drains.
Ice man
Yes, very historic that is. -
Lilo Avli
No problemo. Tomorrow, I will give you my insights into traffic light signal sequencing, 1979-1983. -
Ice man
I wouldn't want to miss that, I will set my alarm clock ... -
Lilo Avli
Is 07:45 a good time for you ?
William Penn Sr.inviting those persecuted for practicing their religion were welcomed in PA. The Quakers and the Amish / Mennonite communities are two historical examples
Monkeys left behind on the st John river (days of Tarzan movies)
"George Washington slept here"
Ice man
He sure got around didn't he ... -
Particularly behind the fog.
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