• I would believe it at any point in a relationship, unless he's saying it just to get into your pants. If that's not it, and you have no other doubt, believe him. I've been in a relationship that lasted four years where he told me he loved me after 1 week. I was also in a relationship where it took the guy (now my fiance) almost 8 months to say it. Hope this helps.
  • How many times this guy has said i love you is totally irrelevant in this case. it doesnt matter how many times he's said it, what is important is whether or not you believe him. By asking the question you sound as though your not sure whether or not to trust him. has he done anything to make you think he doesn't mean it? if not then just go with it this guy has told you he loves you and sometimes at the end of the day you've just gota trust him and take the leap. Lives too short to question everything best of luck xx
  • Saying i love you, should definetely be more than just three words. showing love, from one person to another, cannot be described in those three words. love comes from respect, trust, and a total commitment from one person to another. be very cautious of a person that says i love you, too early in a relationship. chances are, he has abused these three words, on other girls, just to get his way. Do not fall into this trap. you will just be another notch on his gun.
  • "I love you" is only genuine if they truly mean it... I've heard it a hundred times, but in the end it seems they all have a change of heart. Take it for what it is... three words that probably means he cares a lot about you... at the time. It's a tough call. You will know in time if he really means it.
  • Hun, I am in the same boat. I have known this guy for a little and we are not even dating. However, he has told me numerous times that he loves me (romantically) I must admit that it frightened me for three reasons: (1) he said it so early (2)we are not even dating (3) he said it first. I would say go with your gut feeling. I believe that if you feel that he means it then he does. If anyone has any advice for my situation...feel free to drop some advice. :) Good luck hun
  • Hi all from sunny manchester uk. im in same boat,, except he told me after two days, we met on internet and he,s in the armed forces, i want to run with what hes said, but that little voice is telling me to take it with a pinch of salt for now, but hes already seeing a future for us and says things i love to hear, but stop,, yes its nice to connect, and thats all it is for now, as they say, the proof is in the pud. xxx
  • I told my gf that 3 months into our relationship and everyone said it was too early then and that I was going to scare her off. We just celibrated our 10th wedding anniversary.
  • I wasn't going to be the one that said "I Love You" first, I waited for him to say it. It didn't take long, about three days after I met him. I guess he meant it, because twenty one years later, here we are.
  • as a guy, i have said it first in a relationship........and, it is exactly what my gal's were going to tell me soon after......not like in the first hour of dating, but sound's like he is being sincere........because once you put out "i love you" first, it is out there...take care...Brian.....
  • guys generally wont say it unless they mean it, or are being stupid just to get a girl into bed etc. but yeh good chance he's being truthful :)
  • I want to repeat the importance of paying attention to your gut feeling when he says 'I love you'. The answer is inside of you. You already know the answer. And the other thing is does he back it up with action, does he treat you like he loves you? Do you feel like it would be fine to say "i love you" back to him? If not then I would be suspicious. If you do love him of course.
  • I once went and told a girl I loved her on the first date, and she loved me right back for the next four years. I mean it when I say it, and I don't take it lightly. I think it all depends on the person saying it as to how genuine it is. You should be able to tell.
  • That depends on the guy. It's possible that he means it, no matter what anyone tells you. Pay attention to his actions and make sure you interpret his actions properly.
  • NOPE, no two people should ever have to use those words, if you have love you will both know it, to say it out loud or demand it be said is a lie. that having been said good luck finding that kind of relationship as opposed to just being used for sex, im a guy and only ever used for something. its life as we have chosen to live it, enjoy
  • all the little circumstances you presented neigher support not refute his sincerity. few guys are genuine when expressing anything more than horniness, but just because most are slaves to their testes does not mean all of us are. I am always genuine.
  • NO WAY! Marry that dope and you'll fall into a bunch of T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!!!!
  • He's said it, you believe him -- what could anonymous Answerbaggers possibly add to that?
  • Why do you automatically think it's not? Are guys a bunch of unfeeling bastards who still live in caves? I can already tell that you're whole way of looking at this is flawed. I could ask you the same question, "If a girl says 'I love you' first early in a relationship and you feel like they mean it because they've never said it to another guy except when they were younger, is there more of a chance that this girl is being geniune?" He's either being genuine or he isn't, just like every other human being in every other situation. Some people fall in love easily, have said "I love you" to over 25 people in their lives and meant it every time. Having heard this question, I already feel sorry for the guy because obviously you deserve the kind of guy who doesn't say I love you at all.

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