• You do the math. Of the alleged 946 predictions attributed to Nostradamus, only about 70 are considered to have had some kind of fulfillment. That works out to less than a 7-percent success rate. However, regarding the ‘successes,’ M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia comments that many are considered to be the “bold forgeries” of his interpreters, including the prediction of his own death. Others were “composed after the events to which they seem designed to refer.” Some are “strained” in their application and some are shown to have ‘fulfillments’ in a number of different events. Keep in mind that n his efforts to predict the future, Nostradamus was deeply involved in horoscopy, magic, astrology and the pagan ritual of incantation. The Bible condemns all of these things.
  • Yes. His "predictions" can apply to anything if your imagination is wild enough.
  • He wasn't saying that he guarentee's the things he predicts were going to be accurate that why they were predictions
  • Yes he was. His stuff was so vague it could mean anything after the fact.
  • I think his predictions can be easily misinterpreted. I also don't think the future is set in stone. things can go different ways so maybe he only saw one way it could go.
  • nooooooooo am goin to commit suicide now, i bet he predicted that...
  • nostradamus like to smoke opium and weed he was high alot people thought he was crazy it like me telling you obama will be in office till he's 72 years old and all people of the world love him...
  • Try to take this from a non-Christian perspective. Only about 7% of his predictions were 'correct,' meaning had even the slightest amount of truth to them. Most, actually, couldn't possibly bring up a subject in your mind without immense guestimation as to what he might have meant. This is popular in most religious or non-religious predictions and prophecies. Also, his predictions have been thought to be plagarized from previous prophets, most of the accused plagarized prophecies without changing the prediction at all. So most think that he was simply like other prophets; a false leader, whom led the brainless masses of his society and future believers. Personally, I think that he simply took all of the 'underground' predictions previous to himself and used his influence to try and make a name for himself. Not an uncommon sight in history and modern-day historical figures and important figures of our time :coughPOLITICIANScough:, am I wrong?
  • That's my belief. A total and complete fake and charlatan.
  • how could he of come up with those predictions so acruately then?
  • With Multiple choices a lucky Monkey could probably get as many predictions correct.

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