• Sensible would refer to the logical way someone does things. Sensitive is how someone responds with great feeling either physically or emotionally to a stimulus.
  • SENSIBLE: 1. showing good sense: having or demonstrating sound reason and judgment. "a sensible decision". 2. conscious: awake or conscious, and having the capacity to understand. 1 wise and prudent; having or showing common sense. 2 practical and functional rather than decorative. 1. having or showing sound judgment. 2. very aware; cognizant (usu. fol. by of). 1. having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment. 2. cognizant; keenly aware (usually fol. by of). sense (JUDGMENT): the ability to make reasonable judgments sensible: having or using good judgment; reasonable*1+0&dict=A Plato, "Sophist". (Translation by Lesley Brown. 230b). They ask questions of someone who thinks he's got something sensible to say on some matter when actually he hasn't. SENSITIVE: 1. touchy: easily offended or annoyed if something is spoken about. 2. delicate: easily damaged or irritated physically. easily offended or upset. easily hurt "emotionally". acutely responsive emotionally. 3. acutely perceptive: unusually responsive to physical stimuli or emotional cues. having acute emotional sensibility. 4. able to measure small differences: capable of detecting minute changes in levels, conditions, or amounts. 5. quick to detect, respond to, or be affected by slight changes, signals, or influences. 6. kept secret or with restrictions on disclosure. 7. excessively or abnormally susceptible (hypersensitive). 8. very responsive to and affected by sense impressions 9. readily or excessively affected by external agencies or influences. 10. implies direct or intuitive perceiving especially of intangibles or of emotional states "Our two minds .... One is an act of the emotional mind, the other of the rational mind. In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels" (Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1996, page 8). This rational mind is also called the faculty of logic and reason. Persons in whom the emotional mind works dominantly are very sensitive. Persons in whom the rational mind works dominantly think well before acting on sense impressions. The Hindu Upanishads speak of a third component of mind Buddhi (intellect). Persons in whom the intellect works dominantly analyze both the sensitive and rational aspects and take a balanced judgement. Only learned persons with good knowledge and experience can be sensible.

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