• Tell them you already know, someone else told you. You have to make this utterly convincing, it works everytime for me..seriously it does.
  • I tricked a guy into telling me that he cheated on me. I knew he did it so when he went to work on Monday I instant messaged him that a girl called me and told me she got my number from his phone which was on her counter that weekend. He was there within 10 minutes spilling his guts.
  • If you can't do the Jedi Mind Trick, then the most effective way is to talk about a similar subject matter regarding yourself and then slip in the question with little change in your language style. For example, if you wanted to know the name of someone's girlfriend, start to discuss your girlfriend and the things she does, etc., then in the middle of the conversation as you've gotten their attention, just slip in, " What's your girlfriend's name?" Often they will respond before thinking, even if it is information they don't want public. Then the cat is out of the bag before they can stop themselves. It is a technique used often, and the worst thing that will happen is you won't get an answer. there is no betrayal or lying involved.

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