• As a minimum, it is recommeded, generally speaking, that a human being have at least six hours of uninterrupted sleep. However, more specifically, it is recommended that the following amounts be used. Babies — 15 hrs Grade School — 9-13 hrs Teenagers — 8-10 hrs Adult — 7-8.5 hrs
  • Actually, my professor was telling our class last month that studies were done that showed that teenagers actually needed more hours of sleep than grade school children (probably because of hormonal changes? I'm not sure that's just my guess). But anyway, he went on to say that because of these studies that the school timings should be switched, and highschoolers should be the ones starting school at 9am, as compared to 7:50am, and the gradeschoolers should be starting at 7:50am, instead of 9am. This would explain a lot for me.... I used to be able to get out of bed so easily when I was younger, and then when I was in high school, well, I could never get up!
  • I heard 7-8 Is enough
  • You should get about 8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Most people need about 7 or 8. That is not to say that some don't need more and some less. If you are getting tired during the day you may not be getting enough or you may be getting too little.
  • what the hell who knows i just go to bad and sleep until i wake up. unless i have lectures lol anyways try and sleep every night the same amount of sleep accept a day a week like Sunday until u had more than enough sleep to properly recharge your body for the week ahead say hello to my little friend check it out
  • 36 hours
  • They say around eight hours. But I feel that it's not really the quantity of sleep that matters, it's the quality. I can sleep for only six hours and yet feel refreshed and well-rested when I wake up.
  • For most adults, seven hours is considered the minimum. Everyone is different, though, and some people may need more or less. I find that I feel best when I get right around eight hours, including about fifteen to thirty minutes of drowsing in the morning.
  • Between 6 to 8 hours, although in the military and on a combat status your permitted one hour per sure to keep on eye open at all times.
  • I should get 6 or 7 hours, but I have always had sleep problems, so I rarely get evough sleep.
  • 8 to 9 hours is healthy. So they tell me. :)
  • It vary person to person.but one normal sleep time is 8 hours. but it should be at fixed time and regular.
  • Read that and stop sleeping more than 7 hours a night.
  • For a child i'd say 10-12 hours, as for teen and adult a good 7-9 hours of sleep would be good

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