• Migraines are a painful and debilitating type of headache. They affect women more than men, and are described as pulsating or throbbing, according to MedlinePlus. Migraines frequently cause sensitivity to light and sound, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some people see flashing lights or zigzag lines, prior to or during a migraine. A diagnosis of migraine is made by clinical signs, such as the above symptoms, but tests are performed to rule out other causes.


    Computerized Tomigraphy (CT) is a brain-imaging procedure that provides a cross-section view of your brain. The CT scan can check for tumors, infections or other medical problems that can cause migraines.


    A Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) uses radio waves and a magnet to provide cross-section images of your brain. The MRI can detect tumors, strokes, aneurysms, brain abnormalities and neurological diseases that can cause headaches.

    Spinal Tap

    In a spinal tap, a needle is inserted between two vertebrae and cerebrospinal fluid is withdrawn. This fluid is analyzed to check for meningitis, which can cause severe headaches.


    Mayo Clinic - Migraine diagnosis

    MedlinePlus - definition

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