• The legend goes that when the founder of Islam was asked to give proofs of his teaching, he ordered Mount Safa to come to him. When the mountain did not comply, Mohammed raised his hands toward heaven and said, 'God is merciful. Had it obeyed my words, it would have fallen on us to our destruction'.
  • Additionally, "bringing the mountain to Mohammed" has since taken on the metaphorical meaning of "doing the impossible".
  • There is another meaning! Though the issue of miracles were brought up, the stories of Muhammad contain many actual miracles even concerning the genuinely impossible (Nothing that you will find any of those magicians doing) but muslims actually do not like to talk about these miracles though they are well recorded in text. The reason for this is that the followers of Moses disobeyed him after he showed them many miracles and the followers of Jesus still doubted and betrayed him after many miracles (so much so he said in the new testament that it is a wicked and evil nation that seeketh after a sign) so for muslims to be believing only because of miracles is seen as a sign of weekness of faith. The Book the Quran itself is regarded as the supreme miracle. About the Mountain. The mountains were commanded to dance and praise God by Muhammad saws and all the witnesses said that they did but the significance of the mountain coming to Muhammad is related to the idea that if he did not go to the Mountain then the mountain would have come to him. This relates to the mountain where he used to retreat and meditate and where he was visited by the Angel Gabriel from whom he received the Quran.

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