• Some sins are legal; most of the time you won't go to jail for sinnning unless it's rape, murder, or something really bad.
  • Crime is an action that is against the law. In general, this means the civil law of the society. Sin is a Abrahamic concept that is a violation of God's will.
  • All crimes are sins, but not all sins are a crime.
  • A sin is something that is proscribed by a religion and a crime is something that is proscribed by the law of the land.
  • Technically: Sin is breaking of a taboo/rule/more that is based on faith (religion). Since not everyone has the same faith or faith in the same things, one person may view something as a sin when another does not. Crime is breaking the law. Laws are public policy, therefore everyone can read and understand the law and agree on whether it has been broken or not. We aren't helping you with your homework, are we? ;)
  • a sin is a moral violation, which can vary depending on religious beliefs. a crime is a criminal act defined by the law of man, and therefore, much more clearly detailed without room for interpretation. example- premarrital sex, is this a sin, depends on who you ask. Theft- is this a crime, yes!!!
  • Sin is a subjective term,and has no parameters to base exactly what it is.It is believed by religious people and ignored by others as a delusion.Crime is something that is set by social codes of the country you live in,and if broken a penalty is to be paid.

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