• On an average day, I go to the bathroom to use the toilet about 5 times, maybe? To check myself out in the mirror, do a random dance, check to see that my nose hairs aren't getting the best of me and other things relating to these subjects, it totals out to about 10, 15 times. Is that a shame or what?
  • People go to the washroom many times in a day. It all depends on you and how much you eat or drink.
  • the average number for humans is 6 times a day. i don't keep track of my own number...
  • When you say "go to the bathroom" do you mean in total or just to have a BM? It's common for people to have a BM or bowl movement 3 times per day to 3 times per week. How any time you pee is dependent on how much you drink in the day. If you find a strong need to use the bathroom often then speak to a doctor. It is a warning sign of several illnesses for both men and woman. It should not be ignored, it can be a serious problem.

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