• Nope. You don't need proof to the contrary. Just base your proof on there being no God on Neuroscience. Since data on human brains is stored on neurons, God is just a notion created by man a long time ago, when he did not understand Nature around him. (And he's glad That's over)
  • I'll take a page from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on this one. God exists on faith. Whether he is there or not, the IDEA of god comforts people and helps them through difficult times. If anyone discovered proof, be it for or against god's existance, it would be a disaster because proof destroys faith. Once you have proof you no longer need faith. If you knew, for a fact, that god existed then you would likely behave yourself merely because you know factually that you will go to hell if you don't. You're no longer following your beliefs, you are following written law without choice. After all, who wants to burn for eternity? You might not think, as an Athiest, that this would affect you much. You're wrong... if it was absolutly proven that god does not exist, many people would cease their good behavior. Why be good? Lets just enjoy the time we have and everyone else be damned. Do you want to live in a society which raises anarchy and personal enjoyment above all other considerations? I do not. So I suppose the real answer to your question is no, noone can currently prove it. And I hope noone ever discovers proof either way.
  • No , No more than we can PROVE that what we Christians believe in is right but we must have faith in the love of God and our teachings. It usually boils down to the end of your life or when you have problems . Then people turn to God and ask for help even though they say they do not believe. It seems to be an inbuilt reaction, maybe conditioning from childhood I do not know the reason
  • If you are happy with your religion why challenge it ? Don't change something that isn't broken.
  • First of all, if you're an atheist, you're not believing in anything :P Secondly, there are evidences of God's existences, nevertheless He doesn't care for a person to believe in Him because you have all the facts, proof or whatever; He's looking for people who are willing to give up everything to seek him. Faith is what it's all about! Jesus loves you!
  • You believe what you believe for a reason. Why would you want anyone to prove you wrong. I believe in God but I would never ask for someone to prove my beliefs wrong.
  • No, Not ever. You believe what you believe and nothing can change that.
  • there is really no way to prove you right or wrong, just as there is no way to prove there is a God. There are writings ,the Bible, but even most of that has to be taken in faith. You have faith that there is no God, I have faith that there is. You cannot prove me wrong to my satisfaction, and I do not feel the need to prove that I am right or you are wrong. I wonder why you are asking to be proven wrong, are you uncomfortable with your belief? Not preaching or trying to convert..I am just curious. :-)
  • Hi, I am agnostic. That means that I think its possible that God exists, and its possible that God does not exist... but we probably won't know until we die. The truth is that the existence or non-existence of God can not be proven. We simply can not be sure beyond reasonable doubt. Learn, study, be open minded, and I certainly could not fault you.
  • "Can anybody prove that what I believe is wrong?" I cannot PROVE that what you believe is wrong ... but I can present VERY COMPELLING arguments that shed light on the POSSIBILITY that you are wrong. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ANYTHING IS A POSSIBILITY ... it just comes down to the statistics of it ever happening. For example, "in mathematics, a probability of 1 in 1050 means "zero probability"." ... "The calculations of British mathematician Roger Penrose show that the probability of a universe conducive to life occurring by chance is a 10 raised to the 10123 power. The phrase "extremely unlikely" is inadequate to describe this possibility." ... "(This is, by the way, more than the total number of atoms (10 raised to the 78 power) believed to exist in the whole universe.)" ( ... This, of course, begs the question ... IF IT WAS/IS CONSIDERED TO BE "MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE" FOR THE UNIVERSE TO PRODUCE AN ENVIRONMENT THAT WAS "CONDUCIVE TO LIFE OCCURRING", THEN HOW DID WE GET HERE?! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - An actual infinite CANNOT exist. Why? Because matter is NOT eternal ... and since matter is NOT eternal you cannot have an infinite series of causes and effects (to explain the origin of the universe) ... so you MUST arrive at an uncaused cause ... or in other words a cause that DOES NOT have/need a cause. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Kalam Cosmological Argument says: 1. Anything that BEGINS to exist must have a cause. note: The computer you are using RIGHT NOW exists because someone/something caused it to exist. CAUSE: Computer Technician/Factory Employee ... EFFECT: Your computer. Get it?! 2. The universe had a beginning. note: The Big Bang 3. Therefore, the universe had a cause. note: Theists would call this cause "God". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The degree of fine-tuning is difficult to imagine. Dr. Hugh Ross gives an example of the least fine-tuned of the above four examples in his book [Ratio of Electrons:Protons], The Creator and the Cosmos, which is reproduced here: One part in 1037 is such an incredibly sensitive balance that it is hard to visualize. The following analogy might help: Cover the entire North American continent in dimes all the way up to the moon, a height of about 239,000 miles (In comparison, the money to pay for the U.S. federal government debt would cover one square mile less than two feet deep with dimes.). Next, pile dimes from here to the moon on a billion other continents the same size as North America. Paint one dime red and mix it into the billions of piles of dimes. Blindfold a friend and ask him to pick out one dime. The odds that he will pick the red dime are one in 1037. (p. 115)" ( "For the universe to exist as it does requires that hydrogen be converted to helium in a precise but comparatively stately manner -- specifically, in a way that converts seven one-thousandths of its mass to energy. Lower that value very slightly, from 0.007 percent to 0.006 percent, say -- and no transformation could take place: the universe would consist of hydrogen and nothing else. Raise the value very slightly -- to 0.008 percent -- and bonding would be so wildly prolific that the hydrogen would long since have been exhausted. In either case, with the slightest tweaking of the numbers the universe as we know and need it would not be here." (The Case for a Creator, p. 138) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Therefore, based on the arguments and evidences that I have provided in this answer ... it is a extremely unlikely that God DOES NOT exist. Our universe REQUIRES an uncaused cause in order to exist. The uncaused cause must TRANSCEND (DEF: to be above and independent of (the universe, time, etc.)) the universe.
  • Of course not. I mean dear God, if people could do that, then there wouldn't be that much of a problem, would there?
  • can you prove it right? or should we use the same on the other "team", can you prove wrong those who believe in God?
  • Your life is your path. You can not proove or disproove the existance of God beyound reasonable doubt as far as I am concerned. I have this for you to read though: # # Its just interesting, thats all. ----- Oops, I have already answered this question!
  • No, that's what's so great about holding athiest beliefs, they can't be proven wrong except by a form of twisted logic called selective blindness, maintain your wits, and you'll never be proven wrong.
  • No. Just as you can't prove that I am wrong. It's a faith issue.
  • The problem is, Atheist's don't all believe the same way. They just agree that there is no "God,". So you would have to explain what it is that you believe to get a real answer. Unless you want these people to prove there "God" is real well they can't.
  • No. Geologists found evidence that supports various stories documented in the Bible (like the great flood), but it is not accepted by all who challenge it, and it doesn't prove the stories 100% accurate nor the existence of 'God'. We are empirical creatures and like to have proof. This is probably why those who feel they experience a miracle or answered prayer tend to believe whereas those who feel forsaken, do not. Could be God, or could be coincidence, who knows? We simply have to take in all the information we can find and come to a conclusion which we can live with. We believe what we believe.
  • It depends what you believe. Seeing as telling us you're an atheist tells us only what you don't believe, I need more info on this one. You might believe the world is flat for all I know.
  • Can you prove you are right?
  • Only you can do that. No argument, no amount of persuasion will have any effect until you are ready to accept it.
  • I don't like the question. I arrived at my own proof. What other people think is generally immaterial, because their experiences aren't identical to my own.
  • Can you prove what you believe is right?
  • I can't prove that what you believe is wrong, nor would I try to. That's the beauty of beliefs. they are yours and no one can take them away. You may change your mind about a belief, but it is your decision to make. Much like anything else, we weigh the evidence and choose for ourselves.
  • A belief is an opinion, we my be able to give evidence to support our opinion of your belief, but we can't PROVE you wrong.
  • There is a good site which gives some scientific evidence of God's existence. It's not "proof" but it points out some of the scientific "improbability" of a non-creator. If you are really questioning, take the time to read it. After considering it,it takes more faith to believe that all this complex universe just "happened" than to believe in a creator.
  • If you have a belief, you are not an atheist. Ponder that.
  • Sure. Here is something I really want you to ponder. Can knowledge come from something without knowledge? All knowledge or learning requires a previous knowledge that it is built on. How would an atheist account for knowledge? This becomes a question of "how do you know what you know".
  • I dont believe so. I think some atheists are very inconsiderate when debating though. I think that you should be careful not to think that you are smarter than all the people that arent atheists because they are to dumb to think for themselves. In a true christians eyes though it is wrong to be an atheist. Then again in some christian eyes its wrong to watch movies. Everybody has their belief. The ones who believe it without leaving the door open for other possibilities are the only ones I consider wrong. Its kind of like asking if its wrong to believe in God or Zues or ghosts. None of its wrong as far as we know. But as far as we know none of it is right either.
  • Nope. You should believe whatever you want to believe. And don't let anyone else tell you what to do. Even me.
  • No, it is not wrong to be an Atheist. You believe what you believe. No amount of pretending will change it.
  • Nope, its not wrong. The doubt that you have, that is wrong.
  • my point exactly. but no not a long time ago. I learned that no less than 4 years ago in spanish class. and some timebefore that in latin. I never studied german but i do know its close to latin. In the military everybody is reffered to as sir. Im not saying people use it all the time. im simply stating that i wasnt wrong in saying it because i didnt know your sex nor did i care.
  • To borrow a phrase... to the believer, no explanation is necessary. To the non-believer, no explanation will suffice.
  • Can you prove you are right?
  • Nope. And you can't prove those who believe are wrong.
  • When there is concrete evidence of a god, then you will be wrong. In the meantime, while there is always a chance of you being wrong, so far in over 5000 years of human civilization, you haven't been.
  • No, it's imposible to prove you wrong. The only way to do sould would be to prove the existance of some deity beoynd the shadow of a doubt, such a thing will NEVER be done.
  • No. But you can't prove you are right either. I don't feel that any side can prove they are right. =) Or at least not satisfiable enough for me. I believe bits and pieces of say, both religion and atheism. So I have chosen to be agnostic. I'm so middle minded like that =)
  • No. And you can't prove that you are right.
  • No one can "prove" anything, because things are in constant flux. Even natural science and mathematics are incomplete, and will probably never be complete. (Actually, Godel and Russell have shown that Mathematics can never be complete, so it looks like Mathematicians will always have work.)
  • Why are you an antheist? Do you know that God doesn't exist? Can you prove it? If not then you have a faith based belief, or religion. We think people are clever just because they build cars, computers, spaceships. We still haven't built any self replicating life forms that fix their own minor injuries yet so who created us? If it was just a big cosmic accident then why do we think we're so clever just because we invent a microwave oven or whatever other toy which awes us at the time?
  • God wants a relationship with all people, not just the smarty pants who think they can prove he exists. Feel free to ignore all religion, especially if you don't trust any of their people. God is an omnipotent being who knows all that you say, do or think and, if possible, he would rather deal with you directly. Ask him to show you the way. He loves you. He knows the hardships you have to overcome. So if you genuinely seek him then he'll come and get you. Won't he?
  • Not to your satisfaction they can't.
  • It's by definition that people cannot prove you are wrong - if god can only do the logically possible then there are always underlying physical mechanisms and laws of probabilities which can explain it, thereby discounting any need for the existance of God. Anyone who tells you you can PROVE atheism wrong is grossly narrow minded and underinformed.
  • No. Stand strong in your sanity. We need positive influences like you in this day and age.
  • Congratulations! Were you born into it or did you have to escape to it like I did?
  • Do I have to?
  • I can deal with it quite easily since I am also an atheist.
  • I am respetcfull of all beliefs.
  • cool! me too...welcome to the party, but let me warn you first...there's not a lot of us here! So make sure you check the punch before you drink it and there's some christians who brought water and are claiming to turn it into wine.
  • whatever floats your boat buddy
  • Better you than me...... My 2 cents.
  • Sounds more like you're the one having trouble dealing with it. Why do you seek validation?
  • Not a problem - I don't believe in you either. hell seriously congradulations.
  • attention whore
  • What's there to deal with? You are what you are and I respect that. I am sure you will return the favor.
  • I'm one too. Don't flaunt it unless you have to.
  • whatever, be who you are.
  • If you could give me something to handle... :D
  • hahaha you do make me laugh
  • It does not bother me if someone believes in God or not,as its all down to free will and personal choice.
  • Why do I have to deal with it?
  • Me too! DEAL!
  • not a problem ;) i used to be atheist as well, i consider myself somewhere between agnostic and pantheist these days ;)
  • Yes, I can deal with it. You have to live with you I don't.
  • It makes no difference to my life.
  • Seems you may have some issue with it?
  • we are who we are and f*** those who are not ok with it. I accept you any way you are. atheist, christian, gay, straight, guy, girl, black, white. the only people i don't accept are people who don't accept me.
  • Can you? I don't need to.

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