• no. we LOVE artistic guys. i especially like musicians.
  • I sure as hell hope so. I love sports but god definately wanted me to be an artist.
  • Different people like different people for different reasons. But to answer your question, yeah man, there will be girls out there that find your art fascinating. But you don't need to be good at art for someone to like you, be you and find a girl that appreciates it.
  • yeahhhhhhh
  • yes is the short answer. i play the guitar, piano and harmonica, i do alot of painting and i have 3 comics that i write illustrate blar blar blar my self put those things together with a few other talents and you got about as close as you could get to a perfect personality
  • absolutely! Its a unique talent.. and if you draw/paint us something, we'll fall harder :)
  • Absoulutely! Nude portrait here we come..... XD Kidding lol
  • yeah it's cool but it also depends on personality and looks but drawing nad painting is cool especially since i cna't do either!!
  • I am artistic and it's always worked for me. Thogh some of my work girls think to be a little gory or scary hahahhahah
  • In the long run, we love people who are reliable, trustworthy,and kind. These people listen to us and never tell us we talk too much. They worry about whether we will enjoy something before they make plans. They participate in things we do, and share the burden of work around the house, and they are equal partners in raising children together. They never ever put us down and respect our work, interests, and hobbies. They are always encouraging! These people do what they say they are going to do, and they don't mess with us. Painting and drawing is nice, but it is icing on a cake.
  • I do, because I'm the same way. I love guys with creative minds.
  • I do. Guys who can display more emotion than is said to be healthy by social standards I totally love, and their imagination usually steps over the bounds. ^_^
  • I think it depends on the individual artists. All artists are not the same... but if a guy could paint and draw, I would find this an interesting aspect of the individual. It wouldn't be something that would put me off a guy.
  • yes. i draw and paint and i think i would have a lot in common with a guy who can draw or at least likes my talent.
  • um huh yes
  • As an artistic guy who has felt mostly underappreciated his whole life, this makes me feel much better If I could sing I could never sing more beautiful than true love Cheers
  • Well I am an artist, and I haven't heard of any girl that likes me. It's terrible, I feel like they don't see it as good of a talent as athletics or music(which I do). I don't get it. They just don't seem to understand it at all. Idk maybe I just don't know about it.

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