• Oh, I'm sure it's probably considered bio-waste at that point. They probably contract with another company to dispose of it for them.
  • I would say it turns to grease & melts just like it does when you grill meats n stuff(oh gosh this is to gross to think of & to disturbing the rest of the way)
  • I don't think there is any left is there? I thought that the fire was pretty hot and most things vapourised? No-one out there that works at the Crem. who can give us a good answer?
  • Everything (except particles of bone) gets incinerated to ashes. The fat obviously melts at first, then it gets hard, then black, then crumbles into dust.
  • Here's the deal... the body goes into the incinerator and the flames and heat get so hot that the only thing left are the larger bones and any hard metals. The bones then get put into this large cylinder that has VERY sharp blades and the bones get crushed up into dust...This is what the ashes are exactly. I worked for a casket company and got to see the process at a funeral home. Hope this helps.
  • He sells it round the back for $10 a bottle
  • Make butter
  • it is fed to chickens at chicken farms, along with the liposuction leftovers... disclaimer:(this is hopefully fiction):
  • 80% of us goes up the crematorium chimmney, what with us being mostly water.
  • The fat is burned up during cremation, much like a grease fire.
  • Bob is is right, that is the short version anyway, here is a web site that explain it in a little more detail if you wish to read it, process.htm I've work at a cemetery for for over 30 yrs and have visited one of the funeral homes that cremates also.
  • It burns up.
  • This is not like an open altar when the Israelites offered animal sacrifices.... It's closed, very, very hot and takes hours. The heat renders everything very dehydrated and DRY.
  • Willie Nelson comes by to fuel his bio-limo's especially if it's a REALLY fat guy.

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