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  • i honestly dont think so .im with my gf 75% of the day and when u do get married probably more .so if u cant get along if u see them allot now.i dont think it will work out.but space does help a bit sometimes.
  • I know I get very annoyed with my friends when they no longer hang out with me because of their girlfriends. And when they are at my house and spend an hour on the phone with their them! I don't have a girlfriend for two reasons: I would not get any work done and I would neglect my friends. I am considerate and my friends as a collection are more important to me than any one single person that isn't related to me could be.
  • Yes. Eli's reasons are certainly true; if you spend too much time with your boyfriend/girlfriend, your platonic friendships will suffer. Spending too much time together can cause problems within the relationship itself as well. Constantly being around one another might make your time together less special. You may get bored or annoyed with one another, and all of the mystery about the other person will vanish. You need time apart to pursue other interests and be with your friends. Otherwise, you cannot be a healthy, independent individual.
  • It can. Your friends may feel neglected. You might get lost in what - you should be --doing for yourself. But, balance your time between both and all should understand, if they are true to you.
  • I think it does. I need some me time. Plus I don't like my hubby to see me doing the gross stuff unless it is absolutely necessary. I like when I don't see him for a while and we can make up for lost time. If we spend too much time together we get tired of each other and both want me time (Basketball or football for him and Shopping amd pedicures for me)
  • Jepp.. with my first boyfriend, i lost a cupple of freinds, well, maybe more than a cupple..heh =)
  • I dont think so. I see my bf basically everyday and we are really close. Just as long as you are not stopping him from seeing his mates and get too clingy which gets anoying then its ok.
  • By definition, spending "too much" time with ANYONE or ANYTHING causes problems. If it's hurting your other relationships, putting pressure on your relationship with them, it's too much. It's not healthy to be so focussed on one person that you lose track of who you are and the rest of the world around you. I've seen people get married, thinking it never would change - but I've seen many of those people get divorced within a short time after, realizing that the world really doesn't revolve around one person and one relationship. Even within a marriage, usually one or both of you work, and there is limited time spent together. Often, in healthy marriages, people still want more time together, but they aren't neglecting time for themselves or other friends.
  • in any situation, too much of a good thing can always be a bad thing.
  • Yes.............I find that my wife has a very hard time with it.

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