• It would be sad, because I love my loved ones! But it kind of makes sense, I suppose. If you've been widowed and married again, what would you do with two spouses in heaven? Could be very awkward.
  • I would find that hard to buy myself. I think that once we make it into heaven everything will be known to us. All the reasons and whys we question here in life will be as clear as they can be. And we will understand why some just did not make it, and willing to accept it. Of course no one knows as we can only think at a certain human level and find that which reaches past our own abilities hard to accept.
  • Huh? You make no sense (at least to me). Anyway, according to what I've learned, experienced and what simply resonates with me, I observe that happiness here or in the hereafter is a choice.
  • One of my favorite complaints about the concept of Heaven is that it would be impossible for a compassionate person to enjoy eternal bliss knowing that so many of their loved ones are enduring eternal torment in Hell. I know I couldn't.
  • i disagree, i believe that when you go to heaven you know and understand everything so you know and understand exactly why your loved ones arent there. so there is no need to be unhappy about it.
  • agreed
  • we would remember everything ... but we will be too busy enjoying paradise ... that is how irresistible paradise will be ... and if you even think of the past life, God will remove the effect of sorrow, guilt, regret ... etc
  • Heaven is just pretend.
  • I think heaven is like the bible says "eyes have not seen nor ears heard" what God has prepared. We can only imagine what it is like but we are not able to totally grasp it. This is a very good question because I have asked the same question. I do believe that there will not be anything in heaven that would make us unhappy. It will be perfect.
  • I don't care what he told you..this is my personal vision of heaven and certainly no one alive knows for sure...we continue on in heaven as we have on this earth, surrounded by family and friends and yes, AB..all the good things in our lives. There is an absence of conflict so finally no one wants to DR just because they disagree with someone. There will be nothing negative, no pain, no negativity, no discord. That is my heaven and I dare anyone to tell me it won't/can't happen. Only one Person can do that, and I haven't heard from Him yet on the subject! :) ((hugs))
  • Man, if I told you that I have set up a perfect, lovey-dovey community in the Amazon Jungle where I reign supreme and asked you to come with me, be forever happy, have anything in the world you want and all you have to do is worship me, would you do it? If so, I also have a little bridge in Brooklyn which I'm selling cheap, would you buy it?
  • You will remember them, but thats it. No sorrow, no unhappiness, just smiles.
  • "I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious theories of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God." - Thomas Edison
  • Well, it can't be argued with. But then you should think further. What this means is that you cannot enjoy eternal bliss unless you are mutilated. So what ends up in heaven is not *you* but a poor version of you. Really, this is one of many arguments that prove that heaven, in the Christian sense, cannot exist.
  • No doubt that scholar attended a Community College at night and graduated with a C-
  • I think you remember them the same way you remember your favorite stuffed animal from when you were three. A fond memory. But it's irrelevant because they made their own choice as to where they wished to spend eternity. You will see and know that everything is as it should be.
  • Its not that we wont remember them . We will be so elated with Jesus we sont have the same desires that we have now. We will have spirit bodies, we wont be wanting like here on the earth. All our needs will be met but in a different way. We will be thinking quite differently.
  • “I was driving alone one day and I saw a hitchhiker with a sign saying ‘Heaven.’ So I hit him” – Steven Wright Hey, with any kind of luck, hat was your scholar!
  • I think we will remember our loved ones and have expanded intelligence to know why they may not be with us in heaven.
  • If you don't remember your life on Earth, then it's not really YOU in heaven--it's someone else's mind in your "body" (or whatever you'll be in Heaven).

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