Oh yes, for sure, i really like gay guys, theyre fun, good company, and share a lot of my views, theyre also usually very clean, neat and tidy, which suits me fine :)
Sure would....all the gays I know are really neat freaks. So we would get along just fine.
Of course...I'm gay. I have 'tolerated' living with straight room mates...Same thing.
Uhm... yeah. Why not? I've not screened roommates for race, religion, or favourite Baseball team... why screen for sexual partner of choice?
Sure. As long as she would let me watch them both. lol
Sure, why not? As long as the potential roommate was a decent person...
Eh,no way.I have no problem with gays but i can't deal with having a gay roommate.Because: 1)I wouldn't stand him bringing his bf in the house.Even if it may seem normal for him,seeing two men kissing is disgusting for me. 2)There would be many misunderstandings as ppl would think that i was also gay. 3)Wtf would he do if he liked me?
I could very easily deal with that.
as long as they went out to do things... i would not want them to bring their partners over to the house but i suppose i could get along with one idk maybe not...
Sure I have had gay roommates in the past and we did get alone fine.
yes of corse. . . but i would be a little freaked out if they had a thing for me or something, (look dont touch;) ) but i wouldnt like the sight of 2 guys kissing infront of me constantly, but then again a straight couple kissing in front of me constantly would probably do my head in too lol. if they pay their rent and dont set fire to the place, and dont steal my beans then who cares bout their sex life lol
yeah i don't see anything wrong with that, i chose to be friends with someone for who they are not for who they date.
Yes, as long as he was not attracted to me and didn't tell me his sex fantasies.
Why not? It's not like I want sex from my roommate, just someone who can share in the rent. Lol.
just like I wouldnt mind a str8 roomate :)
Yes! I would love to have a gay roommate, in fact.. my friend (who is gay), will be moving with me to New York. Having a gay roommate would help with all of the neccesaries, like picking out clothes, helping to find the right guy, etc.
i'm gay and my best friend is straight and we're living together. we exist like will and grace only grace and grace???
No, I am sorry and I know it will make people mad but I don't think I could. Morally I don't agree with it. But you never know unless you have tried.
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