• it is etiquette for the woman to order first
  • The man should ask the woman what she would like, then when the waiter/waitress approaches the table for the order, the man should speak for both. Of course unless it's someplace like Denny's. Then it's a free for all. No etiquette required. ;)
  • who ever the waitress looks at first
  • I often find out what my wife is having, then I give her order to the waitress first. My wife then can fill in the gaps. Then I order for myself. Sometimes, the waitress looks at my wife first, so she orders first. When I do the ordering, I say my wife's name. Then when I order I say my name. It is enough of an incongruity to make the waiter/waitress laugh.
  • Women should always go first. But, after 42 years of marriage, it really doesn't matter. Its not lack of respect, its just like two people ordering for one.
  • The man should ask the lady what she would like and order for her...then he will place his own order.
  • According to the rules of etiguette, the man should ask the woman what she wants and she should tell either him or the waitperson. I will generally tell my wife to go first because I often don't know what I want right then. This enables me to satisfy etiquette without making her look helpless. : )
  • Etiquette wise I think the woman orders first, or the man orders for the woman. When I go out with my husband he always orders first, not out of disrespect, I never know what I want so it gives me time to make my final choice.
  • I think a woman should its polite and brownie points for a guy !
  • The waiter, waitress usually asks the man for the order. He is, technically, supposed to order for both. They are supposed to have agreed upon the order before the waiter arrives....
  • With the exception of a buffet, it doesn't make any difference what kind of restaurant: Fast food, diner, club or any other restaurant: This is the procedure I was taught: The man should ask the lady, "Have you decided?" OR "I'll order for both of us." The man NEVER says "yet". "Yet implies impatience. Then when the server/waiter/waitress comes to the table or counter, the man says, "The lady will have . . . I'll have . . . " It doesn't make any difference whether it's cocktails, entree, coffee, dessert or after-dinner drink, the man orders for both. In the case of a double date, each man orders for his lady. In the case of same-sex couples, it's a toss-up. Each could order for himself or herself. When the check comes, whoever is going to pay for the meal pays for the meal. NO bickering in the restaurant. Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: My wonderful family! Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, New Haven, CT campus. Was in the Food and Beverage business over 26 years. "THE University of Hard Knocks" also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons"
  • man orders for the woman.
  • The man should order first for the woman! Hopefully he knows what she will like!
  • The woman should tell the man what she would like and he orders for both of them.
  • I suppose, back in the day, it was considered proper etiquette for the gentleman to place the lady's order first, and then his own. I think then, proper etiquette moved onto the lady ordering first as the server generally looked to them first... These days, I cannot say that etiquette really plays a part in who orders first...sometimes my husband or I just don't know what we want! When I was a server, I always started with whoever was on my left... Overall, I generally could care less...when you're already married with children such particulars are really of no concern! :)
  • This my sound pretty "street" but who cares, they're both going to eat anyway.

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