• Undetectably.
  • ummm shoot em and throw the body into a deep deep river with cement around the feet so it would sink to the bottom and at the botttom of the river the catfish would eat it. or bottom dwellers....something like that
  • Stealthly and Smart! Try using a Sniper Rifle! Shoot'em from a car trunk and then later burn the car! Do not exit the car though you might leave behind evidence! Besides Dont kill no one! Please! Im also not heald accountable for your actions man!
  • Not doing it.
  • Stab them through the heart with an icicle and bury them in a cemetery. EDIT: I recently watched a programme about this and they decided that the best way (if "best" means "most unlikely to get caught") is to get a job as a waiter in a large restaurant and slip a biological poison (something like botulism infected food)into their dinner. THe chances of it even being traced back to you, or even detected as a murder rather than an accident, are incredibly remote. They also discussed how the best possible murderer is a doctor - using the case of Harold Shipman as an example - his victims were all elderly people who it wasn't that difficult to believe would die soon anyway, he signed the death certificates himself, so no investigation was carried out - and he got away with it for years and years- only getting caught when he got greedy about the wills, otherwise tehy were the perfect murders. I still don't think anyone really knows why he did it though. Incidently they tested the icicle thing - and worked out that whilst it was technically possible the logistics of it would be a nightmare: "Would you mind just standing very still over there whilst I get this pre-prepared large-enough and pointy enough icicle out of this handy freezer and stab you through the heart?"
  • why is it that "we" humans put morality into everything? who are we to say that "god" would care..they say "god" has a plan for everyone, well who is to say that being murdered WASN'T the "victim's" life plan, or the murderers? Make sure no trace is left. Before and after, scrub yourself with a mineral sponge, scrub the excess skin off. Vaccuum and clean the area of the kill. Don't use a gun, they are extremely more easy to trace, serial numbers and such. Buying a knife in a state that is not the one you live in is wise, stab, twist several times, this disrupts any knife patterns that could possibly be left. If at all possable, burn the body, or pour battery acid. Some solvent or such that will huredly destroy the body. Bury in a remote place, using the "victims" car. Please be sure to bury more than a few INCHES! Feet, feet, feet!!! Destroy the vehicle. At the site of the burial, destroy the clothing. They say a murderer always gets caught eventually. No, they do not.
  • Without getting caught.
  • Kill 'em with kindness.
  • As the old saying goes..."Kill them with kindness".
  • The trick is to be sly, asking a question like this is not be very sly now is it?
  • Shoot them in the head with a silent gun in a dark place and wear gloves so they can't hunt you down. Or cut the breaks on their car, that seems to work in movies.
  • Why would you want to know this?
  • sniper rifle from a grassy knoll LOL
  • I dont think there is any good way to commit murder, as everyone should know there is almost no crime that goes unsolved anymore. Murder is sickening and just plain wrong. Anyone who can kill someone for there own thrill is just disgusting.
  • when noones watching!
  • In the country. and no evidence.
  • There are suicide sites on the internet. You may be able to get some help. I hope you are not asking this seriously.
  • The long drawn out way of dying of old age. But you have to be dedicated to accomplish this.
  • Best could mean different things For starters best could mean easiest and most cost effective with minimal chance of getting caught. That’s easy push, them off a very large cliff. But the risk of getting caught is high. Witnesses could see you go up there, the person could fight back and you could die or the person could survive (unlikely). There is also the motive problem too "I wish you would just die." screamed at the victim in a public place 2 weeks before you kill them isn't a good idea. Best could mean with no chance of being caught in which case it has to be a random kill against someone of the same sex, and colour. The use of a gun is out of the question. A bow could kill but there is a danger of the victim living and bombs are chemically traceable not to mention hard to make well. Buying stuff for killing is a bad idea because of witnesses and knifes would be messy. A chemical cocktail at a restaurant would be good but the cops will interview you if they know it was a murder. So the best way is blunt force to the head with a rubber mallet. It shouldn’t break the skin and if you get the first good hit in they should go down like a sack of shit. If they don’t know it’s coming they wont try to block it so from behind is best. And don’t stick around afterwards because the crowd is interviewed sometimes. Disposal of you trust mallet would be the hard part because fingerprints are easy to find. Leaving it clean at a construction site would work really well because tools are always stolen and it could be weeks before the cause of death is let out to the media. And if best means the sickest way to kill someone then locked up in a cell or buried alive would be your cup of tea. Because what you could do to someone is not nearly as bad as what the body can do to itself. Everyone has it in them to kill but living with it afterwards is something even the hardest of criminals find troubling. DON’T KILL PEOPLE
  • Devour the corpse after you invite them over to your house. Either poison their drink/food or stab them. Then cut them into small pieces and hide them around the house. Feed the pieces to yourself or a pet until all of the evidence is gone. Plain and simple. The police can't prove a thing; the only conclusion they'll be able to make is that he/she has gone missing.
  • guns are traceable. knives are to messy. poisons are detectable. I would hit them in the back of the head with a wooden bat while there in the woods then undress the body completely and dump the body in any random large body of water such as a lake or deep creek just so long as the body is submerged completely after doing this burn the clothes of both u and the victim (do not go to your home with those clothes burn first) burn the bat also. wait till the fall to do this since this is the time that people already have burn piles going outside be sure to clean yourself after the murder also not at your own place of residence. and remember the #1 rule let no one see you do this

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